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Sydney Water Corporation-Malabar System Investment Program – Glenfield and Liverpool WRRF Upgrade – Advanced Notice of Procurement - WS4287571901 - SWC-WS4287571901

RFT ID SWC-WS4287571901
RFT Type Notice
Published 17-Nov-2023
Closes 25-Jan-2024 2:00pm
Category Infrastructure
Agency Sydney Water Corporation

Contact Person
Andrew Fenn
Phone: 0447472480

Tender Details

As Australia’s largest water utility, we have an obligation to improve the lives of our customers, communities and environment. We are working towards ensuring that no one is exploited in the provision of goods and services to or on behalf of Sydney Water; that we operate as a sustainable business; and continue to work with of our First Nations peoples to protect water and land; and to address inequalities.

From a procurement perspective this means:

•Eliminating the risk of Modern Slavery in our supply chain

•Becoming a Supply Nation member to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supplier diversity

•Not harming the environment by sourcing recycled, reused or sustainable goods and services

We want to do business with people who share our values. When submitting your tender application please provide an overview of your enterprise’s Corporate Social Responsibility efforts.

The purpose of Procurement at Sydney Water is to get the goods, services and facilities it needs, when it needs them and for the right cost. Procurement is a key enabler and contributor to the success of our strategic objectives and fulfilling our vision to create a better life through world-class water services. As our customers reply on us for reliable, high quality services at affordable prices, we partner with an extensive range of suppliers to help us create thriving, liveable and sustainable cities. It’s crucial that we undertake procurement activities ethically and equitably to ensure that the best commercial outcomes are achieved in line with our organisational values and statutory obligations.

Sydney Water has developed the Malabar System Investment Program (MSIP), which aims to address wastewater servicing in the Malabar Wastewater System (Malabar System). It consists of an integrated approach for a system-wide solution for long-term growth servicing and system compliance to building resilience, liveability and suitability for Sydney and enabling a more circular economy.

The MSIP has been planning for the critical “near-term” needs of the Malabar System to address the population growth in the Malabar catchment, environmental compliance, and network capacity in the North Georges River Submain (NGRS). As well as the “near term” needs, the long-term Sydney Water strategy for servicing the Malabar System catchment is underpinned by an adaptable and integrated water cycle management approach. The long-term program of work is based on a series of adaptive pathways that facilitate the future transformation of water services to a circular economy.

Sydney Water intends to deliver the Glenfield Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) Upgrade (P1) and Liverpool WRRF Upgrade (P2) of the MSIP “Near-Term” Works as a single package (the “Project”) via a Program Alliance. The form of contract will be the NEC4 Alliance Contract. 

The Program Alliance model enables Sydney Water and its Alliance Partners to address the “near-term” needs of the Malabar System, whilst allowing Sydney Water to incorporate future programs of work that align the wastewater systems to future disconnection options through purified recycled water or environmental release. 

The Project will allow Sydney Water to achieve the following outcomes: 

•Provide treatment capacity to service growth to 2046 and allow increased network capacity in the NGRS; 

•Improving environment performance and reducing odour impact on the community by reducing the frequency of wet weather discharge and odour emissions in line with Environmental Protection Licence (EPL) requirements;  

•Provide near-term investment directionally aligned to the future system pathways set out in the MSIP such as purified recycled water and environmental release; and 

•Provide a solution for the provision of water to the Aquanet plant at Fairfield.

Sydney Water has provided an Advanced Notice of Procurement Memorandum with additional information intended to enable market procurement readiness and allow potential organisations to undertake teaming arrangements, assemble resources, assess risks and devise their best plans for responding to this opportunity.


NSW Regions: South West Sydney

RFT Type

Notice - A notice published on this website that relates to procurement or other relevant matters. It does not normally require any formal response. This is not a tender.

This tender opportunity is not expected to lead to the award of a contract, or the award details will be advertised elsewhere. Please telephone or email the contact officer for details

Multi Agency Access
