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Sydney Metro City & Southwest - Pitt Street Integrated Station Development - Registration of Interest for Expressions of Interest - TfNSW 2018/017

RFT ID TfNSW 2018/017
RFT Type Expression of Interest for Specific Contracts
Published 7-May-2018
Closes 25-Jun-2018 5:00pm
Category Building and Facility Construction and Maintenance Services
Agency Transport NSW - Corporate

Contact Person
Amber White
Phone: 1300 132 136

Tender Details

TfNSW invites organisations that share its vision of place making to register their interest in the delivery of integration station developments that will contribute to the continued growth of Sydney's CBD as an attractive place to live, work and relax. The Pitt Street Integrated Station Development (Pitt Street ISD) consists of the design, construction and commissioning of the new metro station at Pitt Street, as well as investing in the delivery of two over station developments. 

TfNSW's vision is to create intuitive, safe and efficient stations, activated and engaging precincts which truly reflect the government's commitment to quality, design excellence, and place making. 

The Pitt Street ISD is situated in close proximity to key entertainment, retail, cultural and commercial precincts of the CBD, and will showcase design excellence and contribute to Sydney's iconic skyline. This is a chance to build not just a station, but the opportunity to create a truly landmark development that showcases world's best practice for transit orientated developments which promote people's health, and wellbeing and delivers a superior customer experience. 

TfNSW invites suitably qualified and experienced organisations that have an interest in delivering the Pitt Street ISD to register their interest in accordance with the Registration Form. 

An invitation to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Pitt Street ISD (Invitation) will be provided to Interested Parties that have successfully registered their interest and have been accepted for registration by TfNSW (Registrants). 

Following registration, TfNSW will notify successfully Registrants and provide them with access to a dedicated web-based data room containing further information on the procurement process, and additional supporting documents and information to enable them to respond to the Invitation. Access to the data room will be subject to the Registrant agreeing to TfNSW's terms for use of the data room. 

Any documents made available in the data room, provided with the Invitation or otherwise provided in connection with the Pitt Street ISD procurement process are provided for information only and TfNSW has no liability in respect of the documents. 

EOI submissions for the Pitt Street ISD will only be accepted from Registrants who have been successfully accepted for registration by TfNSW (or, in the case of a consortium, where at least one member of that consortium is a Registrant). 

Subject to satisfying the requirement that at least one member of each consortium is a Registrant, TfNSW is not restricting the ability of entities to join with other entities to form teams or consortia for the submission of an EOI for the Pitt Street ISD, or similarly to change their arrangements prior to submission of an EOI. Registrants may join with other entities, including those who have not registered, for the purpose of submitting an EOI. This is a matter solely for the Registrants and their team members. 


Refer to Additional Details / Instructions

RFT Type

Expression of Interest for Specific Contracts - An invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for pre-registration of prospective tenderers for a specific work or service. Applicants are initially evaluated against published selection criteria, and those who best meet the required criteria are invited to Tender (as tender type Pre-Qualified/Invited).

Additional Details / Instructions

To register, Interested Parties must: 

  • return a copy of the completed Registration Form and the executed Confidentiality Deed Poll by email to before the closing time and date for registration at 2:00pm on Tuesday 22 May 2018. 
  • submit their response as two (2) files only. One file must contain the executed Confidentiality Deed Poll and the other the completed Registration Form with a 2 pages statement containing the description of the Interested Party and its team members, and their anticipated roles in the Pitt Street ISD.
  • TfNSW anticipates that the Invitation for Expression of Interest will be made available to successful registrants from 14 May 2018.

Location: Sydney

Conditions for Participation

Interested Parties are to provide a statement of no longer than two (2) pages containing the description of the Interested Party and its team members, and their anticipated roles in the Pitt Street ISD. 

Multi Agency Access
