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Sydney Metro City & Southwest – Central Station Main Works – Invitation for Expressions of Interest - TfNSW 2017/002

RFT ID TfNSW 2017/002
RFT Type Expression of Interest For Pre-Qualification
Published 22-Mar-2017
Closes 21-Apr-2017 2:00pm
Category Building and Facility Construction and Maintenance Services
Agency Transport NSW - Corporate

Contact Person
Mark Doran
Phone: 02 8265 8837

Tender Details

Sydney Metro is Australia’s largest public transport project.

Sydney Metro has two core components:

Stage 1: Sydney Metro Northwest – formerly the 36km North West Rail Link. This $8.3 billion project is now under construction and will open in 2019 with a metro train every four minutes in the peak. Tunnelling has finished and construction is progressing rapidly; and

Stage 2: Sydney Metro City & Southwest – a new 30km metro line extending metro rail from the end of Sydney Metro Northwest at Chatswood under Sydney Harbour, through new CBD stations and south west to Bankstown. It is due to open in 2024 with the ultimate capacity to run a metro train every two minutes each way through the centre of Sydney.

The NSW Government has identified both stages of Sydney Metro as priority projects.

The first of five tunnel boring machines will be in the ground before the end of 2018 to deliver new 15.5km twin railway tunnels from Chatswood to Sydenham.

The project also includes the upgrade and conversion of the existing Bankstown Line to metro standards

TfNSW is inviting expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced contractors to deliver the Central Station Main Works under an Incentivised Target Cost contract. The Central Station Main Works generally includes:

  • the Metro Station Works, comprising a new Metro Station below existing platforms 12 to 15, and associated modifications to existing infrastructure;

  • the Central Station Works, comprising adjustments to existing infrastructure, to connect the Metro Station Works to the existing Central Station; and
  • the Central Walk Works comprising new infrastructure, and adjustments to existing infrastructure, to connect the Metro Station Works with Chalmers Street via a new underground concourse.

Additional information on the project is available on the Sydney Metro website at

TfNSW currently intends to award the contract to the successful Proponent in early 2018.

In their Expressions of Interest, Applicants will be required to demonstrate they meet the following minimum requirements:

  • they are an Authorised Engineering Organisation (AEO), or that the applicant is competent and capable to become an AEO;
  • each Participant comprising the Applicant had a turnover in construction activities of at least $750 million in the 2015/16 financial year;
  • evidence that the Applicant has undertaken three major urban civil infrastructure projects (at least one tunnelling project, and one complex civil project similar in scale and nature to the CSM Works) in the last five years;
  • evidence that the Applicant has managed the design, construction and handover of at least three rail infrastructure and systems projects in brownfield operating station environments in the last five years;
  • they have third party accreditation for their Environmental  Management, WHS Management and Quality Management Systems; and
  • accreditation, or evidence that accreditation is being sought, under the Australian Government Building and Construction WHS Accreditation Scheme (“the Scheme”).*

* Regulation 24(h) of the Fair Work (Building Industry - Accreditation Scheme) Regulations 2005 outlines provisions applying to joint venture/alliance arrangements that include accredited and unaccredited builders.

In order  to receive the Invitation for Expressions of Interest documents, Registrants will be required to:

  • be bona fide contractors with demonstrable experience in the delivery of significant infrastructure work similar in nature and scale to the Central Station Main Works; and

execute a Confidentiality Undertaking. The Confidentiality Undertaking will be emailed to bona fide contractors after they have registered by email to

The Confidentiality Undertaking must be satisfactorily executed and returned to TfNSW before a Registrant will be provided access to the Invitation. Access to the Invitation will be provided using an electronic data room. Instructions in relation to the electronic data room will be provided to Registrants after they have satisfactorily executed the Confidentiality Undertaking.

Only bona fide contractors will be provided access to the Invitation.


Refer to Additional Details / Instructions

RFT Type

Expression of Interest For Pre-Qualification - An invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for pre-registration of prospective tenderers for a type of work or service. Applicants are initially evaluated against published selection criteria. RFT may then be invited from a panel of providers (as Selective, or Invited).

This tender opportunity is not expected to lead to the award of a contract, or the award details will be advertised elsewhere. Please telephone or email the contact officer for details

Additional Details / Instructions

To register to receive the Confidentiality Undertaking, Registrants

must complete the form attached to this advertisement and return it to TfNSW by email at

The form requires Registrants to provide the following information:

  1. the Registrant’s name and company;

  2. the Registrant’s contact representative’s email address and mobile phone number; and

   3. evidence that the Registrant’s organisation has participated in
        at least one major urban civil project (similar in scale and nature
        to the Central Station Main Works) in the last five years.

Subject to receipt of the completed form (and the associated attachments adequately demonstrating the organisation's relevant experience), Registrants will receive a Confidentiality Undertaking that must be executed to TfNSW’s satisfaction.  Subject to successfully completing the Confidentiality Undertaking, bona fide contractors with appropriate experience will be provided with access to the Invitation for Expressions of Interest documents through an electronic data room.

A mandatory briefing will be held on 30 March 2017. The Invitation will set out further details in relation to the mandatory briefing.

Location of work:


Conditions for Participation

Appropriately experienced bona fide contractors who execute and return the Confidentiality Undertaking to TfNSW‘s satisfaction

Estimated Timeframe for Delivery

approximately 5 years

Multi Agency Access
