Tender Details
HealthShare NSW, on behalf of Southern New South Wales Local Health District, informs the open market of its intention to release a request for tenders seeking suitably qualified non-government organisations to provide residential rehabilitation services.
The service will be located in Goulburn at an LHD facilitated location. The successful tenderer would be expected to provide an evidence-based residential rehabilitation program of no more than thirteen weeks, and provide the program in LHD facilitated accommodation capable of accommodating at least ten (10) clients.
The successful tenderer must also demonstrate their ability to deliver an evidence-based, recovery-focused program and work in partnership with the LHD.
RFT Type
Additional Details / Instructions
Applicants wanting to view LHD properties available for tenderer use are invited to attend:
Where: Mandala House at 234 Bourke Street, Goulburn New South Wales 2580
Date and time: November 13th, 9am, with a plan to travel to Kenmore Cottages, 101 Taralga Road, Goulburn at 9:20 to view cottages at approximately 9:30.
It is not compulsory for tenderers in order to submit a tender for this RFT.
A link to a recording of the Industry and Community Briefing held on Tuesday 22 October is below: