Tender Details
The Glenbawn dam spillway channel area to be cleared of trees and other vegetation is where trees could impede water flow from the spillway, and is:
1. The area directly downstream of the concrete spillway crest, within the excavated spillway channel. This area is to be cleared including the sides of the channel to a height of 10 metres above the floor of the spillway channel
2. The area where the excavated channel ends, and sloping uphill in a South Easterly direction, but not including the natural channel. This area is to be cleared to a height of 10 metres above the start of the natural channel
3. The natural channel that tends to the South West direction. This area is to be cleared to a height of 10 metres directly above the bottom of the channel at any point.
4. The excavated channel that is in a North Westerly direction, and directly downstream of the natural channel. This channel extends to the Hunter River. The area to be cleared is to a height of all trees and bushes within the channel and its banks up to the height of the top of the left bank (South western side) of the channel. This includes the ‘berm’ or ‘access road’ on the channel bank.
States and Territories: ACT, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
RFT Type
Additional Details / Instructions
Please be informed that there will be a mandatory site meeting at Glenbawn Dam on Wednesday 19 February, at 10am. Failure to attend this meeting will result in the tender being passed over. Please notify Peter Demeo (0428 264110) that you intend to attend the meeting. WHS requirements for people attending the mandatory site visit include construction induction training (White Card), high visibility clothing, long sleeve shirt and trousers, and safety boots.
Conditions for Participation
Please be informed that there will be a mandatory site meeting at Glenbawn Dam on Wednesday 19 February, at 10am. Failure to attend this meeting will result in the tender being passed over. Please notify Peter Demeo (0428 264110) that you intend to attend the meeting. WHS requirements for people attending the mandatory site visit include construction induction training (White Card), high visibility clothing, long sleeve shirt and trousers, and safety boots.
Estimated Timeframe for Delivery
Prior to June 2014