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Transport for NSW (Transport Infrastructure Projects) / Wallendbeen Overbridge Project - Burley Griffin Way - RMS.23.0000129353.1819

Contract Award Notice ID RMS.23.0000129353.1819
Publish Date 24-Apr-2024
Category Public Utilities and Public Sector Related Services
Agency Transport for NSW (Transport Infrastructure Projects)
Particulars of the goods or services to be provided under this contract
Wallendbeen Overbridge Project - Burley Griffin Way
Contract Duration 4-Mar-2024 to 2-Jun-2025

Contract Award Notice Details

ACN 130586551
ABN 47 130 586 551
Is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander owned business No
Street Address 5 George Young Street
State/Territory NSW
Postcode 2143

Other private sector entities involved in, with an interest in or benefiting from this contract
The contract was awarded as follows: Contract Name: Wallendbeen Overbridge Project ? Burley Griffin Way Contract No: 23.0000129353.1819 Contract Name: Abergeldie Rail Pty Ltd
Estimated amount payable to the contractor (including GST)

$11,594,780.21 (A project to be undertaken)

Any provisions for payment to the contractor for operational or maintenance services
There are no provisions with respect to the contractor receiving a payment for providing operational or maintenance services.
Method of Tendering


Description of any provision under which the amount payable to the contractor may be varied
The contract contains clauses which allow Transport for NSW to order and pay for variations necessary to satisfactorily complete the contract. There is a formula for cost adjustments in the contract based on indices published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and other Government bodies.
Description of any provisions under which the contract may be renegotiated
There are no provisions with respect to the renegotiation of the contract.

Summary of the criteria against which the various tenders were assessed

Evaluation Criteria Weighting
Abergeldie was selected on a sole source basis. Their price was assessed against the price Abergeldie submitted in an earlier (but aborted) competitive tender process where they were the awarded tenderer. The new price was marginally higher when all new minor scope items were set aside. It was deemed as value for money when assessed against their knowledge of the project and ability to mobilise immediately.
Contract Contains Agency 'PiggyBack' Clause


Industrial Relations Details for this Contract
Name of Sub-contractors (incl. ABN & ACN)
Applicable Industrial Instruments
Location of Work
NSW Industrial Relations inspectors routinely audit the employment records of contractors and sub-contractors to all NSW Government contracts. The results of these inspections are published on the NSW Industrial Relations website.

Agency Contact

State/Territory NSW


Particulars of future transfers of assets to the State, at zero or nominal cost to the State, including the date of their transfer
There are no future transfers of significant assets to the State at zero, or nominal, cost to the State.
Particulars of future transfers of assets to the contractor including the date of their transfer
There are no future transfers of significant assets to the contractor.
The results of any cost-benefit analysis of the contract conducted by the agency
No cost-benefit analysis of the contract was conducted by the agency.
The components and quantum of the public sector comparator if used
There were no components and quantum of the public sector comparator used.
If relevant, a summary of information used in the contractor's full base case financial model (for example, the pricing formula for tolls or usage charges)
Not relevant.
If relevant, particulars of how risk, during the construction and operational phases of a contract to undertake a specific project (such as construction, infrastructure or property development), is to be apportioned between the parties, quantified (where practicable) in net present-value terms and specifying the major assumptions involved
Not relevant.
Particulars as to any significant guarantees or undertakings between the parties, including any guarantees or undertakings with respect to loan agreements entered into or proposed to be entered into
Bank Guarantees have been provided by Abergeldie Rail Pty Ltd for this Contract.
Particulars of any other key elements of the contract
A web site address which provides direct access to the complete contract less confidential information
Has the contract or any provisions within it been withheld from this disclosure under the exemptions provisions of the GIPA Act Section 32? (YES or NO)
If yes to the above, what are the reasons why the contract, or provisions therein, have not been provided?
There is an overriding public interest against disclosure of the information below as there are public interest considerations against disclosure and, on balance; those considerations outweigh the public interest considerations in favour of disclosure.
If yes to the above, is it intended that the contract or those provisions be published at a later date, and if so, when?
A complete copy of the contract (excluding confidential information) will be published on the Transport for NSW ?Contracts Awarded? internet site.
If yes to the above, when some but not all provisions of the contract have been published, a general description of the types of provisions that have not been provided
? Aboriginal Participation reporting timelines ? Percentages of contract price for Aboriginal Participation, Skills, training and diversity for Project Workforce, completion amount, termination for Principal?s convenience, Aboriginal Business, Completion and Post-Completion Undertakings, Provisional Sum, Contractor?s Margin and Amount of Prepayment, Contractor?s Margin for Daywork and ? Principal?s Insurance Policy Terms and values ? Delay Costs and Liquidated damages ? Third Party Agreements ? Initial Contract Program ? ARTC Track Possession Schedule and Fees, charges and approvals information ? Cost Adjustment formulas ? Contractors Payment Schedule ? Contract Documents supplied ? Subcontractors and Suppliers Proof of Payment Process details and subcontract work value ? Site conditions risk ? Unincorporated Materials greater than fee ? Principal, Contractor?s and Expert Determination Representative details ? Whole of works timeframe ? Information relating to contract being amended for another project ? Information relating to another project in amending contract ? Reporting timelines ? Classes of excluded loss information ? Litigation threshold fee ? Final Audit Report on Contract Execution history