Tender Details
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is seeking industry feedback as part of a market interaction process for the Safe Accessible Transport Program. The online briefing will be held 10.30am Wednesday 3 July 2024.
As part of the 2023-24 NSW Budget, $800.7 million was allocated over four years for the Safe Accessible Transport (SAT) Program. This program combines the existing Transport Access Program (TAP) fund with the Commuter Car Parking Program (CCPP) fund and includes an additional $300 million committed at the election.
The combined program will have a renewed focus on delivering upgrades with a precinct focus, to make traveling on the public transport network more convenient. There will also be a renewed focus on railway stations as community hubs.
TfNSW is looking to engage with our industry partners to help inform the development of the procurement strategy including staging options, risk allocation and timing.
TfNSW is seeking to engage with industry to undertake the following:
- provide an overview of the SAT Program (potential projects and high-level timeline);
- gauge industry interest in participating in upcoming tendering opportunities;
- seek feedback on the proposed Program and project scope;
- seek clarity on industry’s ability to tender and carry out the works;
- seek feedback on continuity and scale of the works;
- gain insight for supply chain efficiencies and innovation;
- seek to understand current pain points for industry (i.e. supply, labour, materials);
- seek feedback on potential procurement model, contracting form, and packaging scenarios; and
- seek feedback on risks with proposed project scope and risk allocation between TfNSW and industry partners.
TfNSW is seeking feedback from organisations that meet at least one of the below categories:
Category |
Organisation Description |
A |
Contractors with experience, in the last five (5) years, in the design and construction of infrastructure projects with contract values exceeding $15 million and a minimum annual turnover of $15 million for the last financial year. |
B |
Contractors with experience in the last five (5) years, in the construction of infrastructure projects for a state government agency with contract values exceeding $1 million and a minimum annual turnover of $3 million for the last financial year. |
C |
Design firms with relevant experience, in the last three (3) years, in contributing to the design for rail projects with project values exceeding $15 million and who have had a minimum annual turnover of more than $5 million per annum for each of the last three (3) years. |
RFT Type
This tender opportunity is not expected to lead to the award of a contract, or the award details will be advertised elsewhere. Please telephone or email the contact officer for details
Additional Details / Instructions
Registrations must be returned to TfNSW electronically by sending an email to:
with the email subject ‘Safe Accessible Transport Program - Main Works Market Interaction Registration’, any time before 3pm Friday 28 June 2024.
The Registration must be submitted as two separate files:
- Returnable Schedules
- Confidentiality Deed Poll
TfNSW may, in its absolute discretion and without any obligation, accept or exclude from consideration any Registrations received after 3pm Friday 28 June 2024.
TfNSW will contact, via email, all Interested Parties who have submitted Registrations to confirm their success (or otherwise) in being selected to participate in the Market Interaction Process.