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There will be limited buy NSW and eTendering support services from Monday 23 December 2024 until Sunday 5 January 2025. Thank you for your support throughout the year and we look forward to working with you again in 2025.

Transport for NSW (Transport Infrastructure Projects) / Digital Systems Program Tranche 2 - European Train Control System Advisory and Development Services - IPD-24-18417

RFT ID IPD-24-18417
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 25-Jun-2024
Closes 22-Jul-2024 3:00pm
Category Advisory consultants
Agency Transport for NSW (Transport Infrastructure Projects)

Contact Person

Tender Details

The Digital Systems Program and Tranche 2 requires the Services of Professional Services Contractors to provide European Train Control System Advisory and Development support to deliver on the committed outcomes within the Final Business Case for Tranche 2.

All tenderers must comply with the Transport Statement of Business Ethics through the procurement process and any subsequent contract period.


All tenderers must comply with the NSW Government Procurement Policy Framework, NSW Government Supplier Code of Conduct and New South Wales Industrial Relations Guidelines: Building and Construction Procurement.


NSW Regions: Northern Sydney

RFT Type

Open Tenders - An invitation to tender by public advertisement with no restriction placed on who may tender. Tenderers will normally be required to demonstrate in their tender that they have the necessary skills, resources, experience, financial capacity, and in some cases licences, accreditations, etc., to fulfil the tender requirements.

Tender Respondents

Business Name Trading Name Address
Interface Rail Engineering Pty Ltd - Level 5, 470 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
JMDR Engineering Pty Ltd JMDR Level 10
51 Druitt Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Palazzi Rail Pty Ltd - 223 Talga Road
Lovedale NSW 2325
Rider Levett Bucknall NSW Pty Ltd - Level 19
141 Walker Street
North Sydney NSW 2060

Additional Details / Instructions

All queries MUST be submitted in writing to the email address supplied.

Address for Lodgement

Electronic Lodgement Only.

Conditions for Participation

The attached Corporate Confidentiality Deed Poll (CDP) must be signed and returned to the Contact Person via email at in order to receive the password required to open the Invitation to Tender (ITT).

Multi Agency Access
