Tender Details
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is seeking industry feedback as part of a market interaction process for the Pacific Highway Upgrade, Wyong Town Centre. The online briefing will be held 10.00am Friday 2 August 2024.
The Pacific Highway is a major arterial road connecting Wyong with Newcastle in the north, and Gosford to the south. Through Wyong, the highway carries up to 36,500 vehicles on an average weekday, and is generally an undivided carriageway with one lane in each direction.
The Wyong Town Centre project will upgrade about 2.4km of the Pacific Highway to a four lane dual carriageway road through Wyong including; improved intersections, upgraded and new facilities for public transport and active transport, urban amenity and public domain improvements.
We are looking to engage with our industry partners to help inform the proposed Delivery Strategy, the proposed Procurement Strategy and, ultimately, the delivery of the Wyong Town Centre (WTC) Project.
TfNSW is seeking feedback from organisations that meet the below categories:
Category |
Class |
Description |
Roadworks |
R5 |
Includes R4 activities plus majority of the R5 activities |
Bridgeworks |
B4 |
Includes B3 activities plus majority of the B4 activities |
Financial Level |
F100 |
$100m |
Additionally, Professional Services Contractors may participate where they meet the below requirements:
• relevant experience, in the last three (3) years, in contributing to the design for rail, roads and/or bridges projects with project values exceeding $50 million, and
• who have had a minimum annual turnover of more than $10 million per annum for each of the last three (3) years.
An industry briefing will be held on 10:00am Friday 2 August, please register here to attend.
A data room will be open after the briefing for industry who meet the pre-qualification requirements and have submitted the signed Confidentiality Deed Poll.Please submit the signed Confidentiality Deed Poll here by 3:00pm Friday 9 August.
Access to the data room will be granted following the submission and review of the Confidentiality Deed Poll, after which Industry will have until 5:00pm Friday 16 August to submit feedback.
TfNSW may, in its absolute discretion and without any obligation, accept or exclude from consideration any Registrations received after 3pm Friday 9 August.
TfNSW will contact, via email, all Interested Parties who have submitted Registrations to confirm their success (or otherwise) in being selected to participate in the Market Interaction Process.
RFT Type
This tender opportunity is not expected to lead to the award of a contract, or the award details will be advertised elsewhere. Please telephone or email the contact officer for details