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Transport for NSW (Transport Infrastructure Projects) / M5 Westbound Traffic Upgrade – Registration of Interest (ROI) - 24.0000139286.0406.ROI

RFT ID 24.0000139286.0406.ROI
RFT Type Notice
Published 18-Apr-2024
Closes 26-Jun-2024 2:30pm
Category Infrastructure
Agency Transport for NSW (Transport Infrastructure Projects)

Contact Person

Tender Details

 The M5 Motorway is a key transport corridor that provides access between south-western Sydney and the inner suburbs of Sydney. The existing configuration of the Moorebank Avenue and Hume Highway intersections on the M5 Motorway is a contributing factor to this issue, as vehicles entering the motorway westbound from Moorebank Avenue need to cross lanes with traffic exiting the motorway for the Hume Highway, resulting in weaving movements.

The M5 Westbound Traffic Upgrade (M5WBTU) Project will result in upgrades to road and traffic upgrades on the M5 Motorway between the existing Moorebank Avenue and Hume Highway exits. Once completed, the M5WBTU will improve safety, traffic congestion and support the growth in the area at Moorebank Intermodal and Liverpool.

The Project is jointly funded by the Australian and NSW Governments.

Additional information on the M5WBTU is available on the TfNSW website:

Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is inviting suitably experienced and qualified organisations to register their interest to participate in the Procurement Process for the design and construction contract for the M5WBTU.

A two-stage Procurement Process is proposed for the Project.  The EOI Stage (first stage) commences with this ROI process which invites suitably experienced and qualified organisations to register their interest to receive the EOI Invitation (when available) and submit an EOI. The second stage involves the Request for Tender Stage, submission of tenders and awarding of the contract.

To successfully register interest to participate in the Procurement Process for the M5WBTU Project, organisations must meet the following requirements and follow the instructions outlined in the attached document titled “TfNSW – M5WBTU – Registration of Interest Invitation”, including, but not limited, to section 2:

• must be, in TfNSW’s opinion, a bona fide contractor consortium, designer or supplier/service provider who can demonstrate its capability and experience to play a significant role in a consortium, or to act as a contractor in its own right, to deliver the Project;

• must comply with:

- the NSW Government’s Supplier Code of Conduct (NSW Code);

- the New South Wales Industrial Relations Guidelines: Building and Construction Procurement (NSW Guidelines); and

- and be accredited under the Australian Government Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme (the Scheme) at the time of entering into the contract.

• must be either:

- a contractor who is prequalified with TfNSW under the National Prequalification System for Civil (Road and Bridge) Construction Contracts, at the prequalification class of R5 (Roadworks) and B4 (Bridgeworks) or must demonstrate to TfNSW how it will obtain prequalification by the time of submission of its expression of interest application. If registering as a consortium, at least one entity of the consortium must be prequalified to the aforementioned prequalifications; or

- a technical services supplier who is prequalified with TfNSW on its’ Technical Services Registration Scheme for either Complex Road Design or Complex Bridge Design.

TfNSW will accept receipt of Registration Submissions via email only at with the email subject 'M5WBTU: Procurement Process - ROI Submission' before the Closing Time and Date. The Closing Time and Date for this ROI is 2:30PM on 26 June 2024. TfNSW may, in its absolute discretion and without any obligation, extend the Closing Time and Date.

TfNSW may determine (in its absolute discretion) that it is appropriate to consider a late registration request.

All applicants must comply with the Transport Statement of Business Ethics through the procurement process and any subsequent contract period.

All applicants must comply with the NSW Government Procurement Policy Framework, NSW Government Supplier Code of Conduct and New South Wales Industrial Relations Guidelines: Building and Construction Procurement

It is a requirement for this Project that the successful contractor be accredited under the Australian Government Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme (the Scheme) at the time of entering into the contract for ‘building work’ for the Project and must maintain accreditation under the Scheme while the ‘building work’ is being carried out. Information on the Scheme is available on the Australian Government website at


NSW Regions: South West Sydney

RFT Type

Notice - A notice published on this website that relates to procurement or other relevant matters. It does not normally require any formal response. This is not a tender.

This tender opportunity is not expected to lead to the award of a contract, or the award details will be advertised elsewhere. Please telephone or email the contact officer for details

Tender Respondents

Business Name Trading Name Address
Bouygues Construction Australia Pty Ltd - Level 9, 558 Pacific Highway
St Leonards NSW 2065
* CPB Contractors Pty Limited - Level 18, 177 Pacific Highway
North Sydney NSW 2060
DT Infrastructure Pty Ltd - Level 2, 135 Coronation Drive
Milton QLD 4064
Fulton Hogan Construction Pty Ltd - Level 1, Building 7, Botanicca Corporate Park
572 Swan Street
Richmond VIC 3121
* John Holland Pty Ltd - Level 9, 180 Flinders Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
* Seymour Whyte Constructions Pty Ltd - Brisbane Technology Park
12 Electronics Street
Eight Mile Plans QLD 4113
* Multi stage tender - short listed entity

Address for Lodgement

TfNSW will accept receipt of Registration Submissions via email only to:

Multi Agency Access
