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There will be limited buy NSW and eTendering support services from Monday 23 December 2024 until Sunday 5 January 2025. Thank you for your support throughout the year and we look forward to working with you again in 2025.

Transport for NSW (Transport Infrastructure Projects) / Henry Lawson Drive Upgrade Project – Stage 1B - Detailed Design Services - 24.0000130218.0401.ROI

RFT ID 24.0000130218.0401.ROI
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 10-Apr-2024
Closes 29-May-2024 2:30pm
Category Professional Services (excl Consultancies)
Agency Transport for NSW (Transport Infrastructure Projects)

Contact Person
Khurram Baig
Phone: 0433 237 006

Tender Details

Registrations of Interest (ROI) are invited for Stage 1B of the Henry Lawson Drive upgrade project. These services consist of preparation of a detailed design for the upgrade of Henry Lawson Drive, between Auld Avenue and the M5 Motorway. Additional information on the Project is available on the TfNSW website:

The successful tenderer will be selected through a two-phase procurement process. The first phase requires applicants to submit a ROI in response to this advertisement. A short list of applicants will then be selected from this ROI process and invited to tender for the services.

A pre-tender meeting will be held at 1:00pm on Tuesday, 30 April 2024 at Level 9, 477 Pitt Street, Sydney. Attendance is mandatory to submit a conforming application.

Prospective applicants will need to complete, sign and return the confidentiality deed (in accordance with the instructions in that deed) prior to being given the passcode to access the ROI documents.

All applicants must comply with the Transport Statement of Business Ethics through the procurement process and any subsequent contract period.

All applicants must comply with the NSW Government Procurement Policy Framework, NSW Government Supplier Code of Conduct and New South Wales Industrial Relations Guidelines: Building and Construction Procurement.


NSW Regions: South West Sydney

RFT Type

Open Tenders - An invitation to tender by public advertisement with no restriction placed on who may tender. Tenderers will normally be required to demonstrate in their tender that they have the necessary skills, resources, experience, financial capacity, and in some cases licences, accreditations, etc., to fulfil the tender requirements.

RFT Preview Document(s)

Tender Respondents

Business Name Trading Name Address
420 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Aurecon Australasia Pty Ltd - Level 11 / 73 Miller St
North Sydney NSW 2060
GHD PTY LTD - Level 15, 133 Castlereagh Street, Sydney
Sydney NSW 2000
Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Ltd Jacobs Engineering Group Inc Level 7,
177 Pacific Highway,
North Sydney, NSW 2060
Kellogg Brown & Root and Beca Pty Ltd as BetterKonnected JV BECA PTY. LTD. & KELLOGG BROWN & ROOT PTY LTD 201 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Mott MacDonald, MRB Mott MacDonald Australia Pty Ltd L10 383 Kent Street
Sydney NSW 2000
pitt&sherry pitt&sherry Level 9, 1 Elizabeth Plaza
North Sydney NSW 2060
SMEC AUSTRALIA PTY. LIMITED SMEC Australia Pty Limited Level 7, 40 Mount Street
STANTEC AUSTRALIA PTY LTD - Level 9, The Forum, 203 Pacific Highway
Sydney NSW 2065
St Leonards NSW 2065
Turnbull Engineering Turnbull Engineering Pty LTd Level 27, 400 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000
WSP Australia Pty Limited WSP LEVEL 27, 680 GEORGE STREET

Address for Lodgement

Electronic Lodgement Only

Conditions for Participation

Mandatory Criteria:

1. Respondents must be pre-qualified for the TfNSW Technical Services Registration Scheme and have recent and relevant experience in providing design services for the following categories:

a) Complex Road Design.

b) Standard Bridge Design.

c) Geotechnical Assessment and Interpretation.

d) Slope Risk Management

2. The Tenderer (including any sub-consultant) and the proposed professionals have successfully undertaken the project management and preparation of a Detailed Design of transport infrastructure projects valued over $100 million in NSW.

3. The Tenderer to provide evidence that the tenderer has worked on multi-disciplinary NSW road/bridge projects involving design of complex bridges, traffic signals, communication & control systems in the last 5 years.

Multi Agency Access
