Tender Details
WaterNSW is seeking to pre-qualify suppliers to supply materials for, or supply and install, fences, gates, barriers and signs to protect WaterNSW assets, land and catchment areas that supply water to Sydney, the Blue Mountains and the Illawarra (the Sydney Declared Catchments).
Fences, gates, barriers and signage form part of WaterNSW regulatory and safety programs by defining boundaries and deterring unauthorised access to Special Areas and Controlled Areas.
Refer to Additional Details / Instructions
RFT Type
Additional Details / Instructions
WaterNSW will NOT conduct a mandatory information briefing but please refer to the document titled ‘Fence Installation Locations – Examples of Access’ for photos of sites that will be required to be serviced under this contract.
The Respondents will be required to access the Scout RFP system via the link quoted below to access the RFT documents.
Link: https://go.scoutrfp.com/rfps/public/126595