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NSW Department of Communities and Justice / Stage 2 Contract FACS and I-view for POCLS Data Collection (GFACS16/6193) - Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study_FACS_I-view

Contract Award Notice ID Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study_FACS_I-view
Publish Date 17-Feb-2017
Category Consultancies
Agency NSW Department of Communities and Justice
Particulars of the goods or services to be provided under this contract

The Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study (POCLS) is a large-scale 10-year prospective longitudinal study of children and young people in out-of-home care (OOHC) in Australia. The study provides unique, high-quality information about the wellbeing trajectories of children in OOHC in order to understand factors influencing children's safety, permanency and wellbeing to inform policy, practice and improve the service system.

Original Contract Duration 7-Feb-2011 to 30-Jun-2020
Amended Contract Duration 1-Jul-2013 to 31-Dec-2024

Contract Award Notice Details

Contractor Name Ipsos Public Affairs Pty Ltd
ACN 070101352
ABN 52 070 101 352
Is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander owned business No
Street Address Level 2, 51 Berry St
Town/City North Sydney
State/Territory NSW
Postcode 2060

Other private sector entities involved in, with an interest in or benefiting from this contract

Not Applicable

Estimated amount payable to the contractor (including GST)

$6,483,456.00 (Goods or services supplied)

Amended estimated amount payable to the contractor (including GST)

$7,466,526.00 (Goods or services supplied)

Any provisions for payment to the contractor for operational or maintenance services

Not Applicable

Method of Tendering


Description of any provision under which the amount payable to the contractor may be varied

The Research Agreement Section 7 outlines the terms underwhich a variation can be made. The Supplemental Deed of Agreement 27 May 2016 includes if the number of interviews conducted is fewer than the projected number of interviews the funding will be refunded to the Principal.

Description of any provisions under which the contract may be renegotiated

The Research Agreement Section 7 outlines the terms underwhich a variation can be made. 

Summary of the criteria against which the various tenders were assessed

Evaluation Criteria Weighting


BN CPR 09/120419 to approve the appointment of  I-View as the successful provider for data collection for the POCLS was signed by the Chief Executive.

On 28.9.2009, Community Services advertised externally an EOI for suitably qualified organisations to undertake primary data collection for the POCLS.  The EOI process closed on 29.10.2009. 

The data collection component of the study will involve a pool of specially trained interviewers administering a set of standardised, mostly quantitative measures with carers of study-eligible children and young people in their homes or at a place convenient to carers.  It is expected that the interviews would be up to 110 minutes in duration.   

The EOI sought proposals to undertake a two stage planning and implementation process.  Stage 1 involves working closely with Community Services and other stakeholders to finalise a detailed study design for the fieldwork over the next four to six months and Stage 2 is for implementation of the fieldwork.  The EOI requested costings for Stage 1 and indicative costings for Stage 2 for the first year. 

An EOI Selection Panel was constituted and consists of Community Services senior staff and an external expert. 

Community Services received three proposals for data collection. Each of the proposals was assessed against the EOI Selection Criteria and cost and value for money.  The Selection Criteria are: 

  • Skills and experience in undertaking primary data collection for large scale research projects in the human services
  • Communication and engagement skills
  • Project management
  • Organisational capability
  • Ability to rapidly gain knowledge and understanding of the NSW OOHC and non-government sectors
  • Willingness to undertake joint training with Community Services

The assessment scoring sheets were populated. The panel then interview representatives from two agencies who scored highly.   

As a result of this process, I-View was deemed by the Selection Panel to have the greatest capability to undertake the primary data collection for the POCLS. 

This decision is based on their well thought out proposal, the organisation’s previous experience and expertise in undertaking this kind of data collection (for example, their experience of data collection for the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children), the depth of capability they bring to the project, the strong emphasis they have placed on training of interviewers and their responses to detailed questions during the interview.   

A standard consultancy agreement was prepared for I-View with advice from Legal Services once approved. 

Contract Contains Agency 'PiggyBack' Clause


Industrial Relations Details for this Contract
Name of Sub-contractors (incl. ABN & ACN)

Not Applicable

Applicable Industrial Instruments

Not Applicable

Location of Work

Level 2, 51 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060

NSW Industrial Relations inspectors routinely audit the employment records of contractors and sub-contractors to all NSW Government contracts. The results of these inspections are published on the NSW Industrial Relations website.

Agency Contact DCJ Procurement Team

Street Address Locked Bag 5000

Town/City Parramatta

State/Territory NSW

Postcode 2124