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NSW Department of Communities and Justice / Legacy Data Migration - prj_2581

Contract Award Notice ID prj_2581
Publish Date 8-Jan-2021
Category Information and technology
Agency NSW Department of Communities and Justice
Particulars of the goods or services to be provided under this contract

This contract is for IDS Information Management for a modern cloudbased legacy platform that will allow the department to retain, manage and securely access historical client data and information assets and support inquiries, including Royal Commissions and the National Redress Scheme.

Original Contract Duration 16-Nov-2020 to 15-Nov-2023
Amended Contract Duration 19-Nov-2020 to 19-Nov-2024

Contract Award Notice Details

Contractor Name Datalynx Pty Ltd
Trading Name Datalynx
ACN 116103783
ABN 59 116 103 783
Is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander owned business No
Street Address L8 15 Castlereagh Street
Town/City Sydney
State/Territory NSW
Postcode 2000

Other private sector entities involved in, with an interest in or benefiting from this contract

Not Applicable

Estimated amount payable to the contractor (including GST)

$261,855.00 (Goods or services supplied)

Amended estimated amount payable to the contractor (including GST)

$2,739,660.00 (Goods or services supplied)

Any provisions for payment to the contractor for operational or maintenance services

Not Applicable

Method of Tendering


Description of any provision under which the amount payable to the contractor may be varied

Tranche 1 is to be conducted on a T&M basis with a cap

being at 261,855.00 including GST.

The above phase is the first of several subsequent

tranches envisaged as resulting from a Legacy Data

Migration tender issued by the Customer and awarded

to the Contractor. However, funding was not available

for more than the above tranche at the time of this

Customer Contract being created. Therefore, any

subsequent tranches will be addressed by variations to

this Customer Contract in accordance with Schedule 4:

Variation Procedures. Additionally, any subsequent

tranches will be contingent upon adequate funding

being available to the Customer and satisfactory

performance by the Contractor of the first tranche and

each of any tranches that follow. Notwithstanding the

above, nothing in this Customer Contract should be

interpreted as meaning the Customer has an obligation

to engage the Contractor for any subsequent tranches.

They are to be at the sole discretion of the Customer.

Description of any provisions under which the contract may be renegotiated

Not Applicable

Summary of the criteria against which the various tenders were assessed

Evaluation Criteria Weighting


Contract Contains Agency 'PiggyBack' Clause


Industrial Relations Details for this Contract
Name of Sub-contractors (incl. ABN & ACN)

Not Applicable

Applicable Industrial Instruments

Not Applicable

Location of Work

Sydney NSW

NSW Industrial Relations inspectors routinely audit the employment records of contractors and sub-contractors to all NSW Government contracts. The results of these inspections are published on the NSW Industrial Relations website.

Agency Contact DCJ Procurement Team

Street Address Locked Bag 5000

Town/City Parramatta

State/Territory NSW

Postcode 2124