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NSW Department of Communities and Justice / DCJ Managed Print Services - Prj_4306 - RFx_713

RFT ID Prj_4306 - RFx_713
RFT Type Request for Proposals
Published 21-Mar-2022
Closes 26-Apr-2022 11:00am
Covered Procurement Yes
Category Printing
Agency NSW Department of Communities and Justice

Contact Person
David Glyde
Phone: 9

Tender Details

The Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) was constituted in July 2020 by merging the Department of Family and Community Services (FACS) and the Department of Justice (DoJ).


As a consequence, DCJ inherited two different printing arrangements:


• A “printing as a service” arrangement used by FACS that did not involve ownership of printers.

• A “self-managed” arrangement used by DoJ that did involve ownership of printers.


The following range of services are being sought via the RFP (not in any priority order):


• A pure “printing as a service” arrangement devoid of any encumbrances related to the cost of devices.

• Full cooperation with the incumbent MPS provider pending replacement of that vendor’s current devices (i.e. as per the ex-FACS service). Note that DCJ intends to preserve that service for as long as possible to facilitate the smooth process of transition but cannot guarantee the duration.

• Seamless transition in of new printing devices to replace those not owned by DCJ within a finite timeframe.

• Seamless transition in of the new MPS service to replace those devices owned by DCJ within a finite timeframe and with measurable checkpoints.

• Fleet management of all devices from the contract start date (i.e. new devices and DCJ owned devices but not those owned by the incumbent MPS provider).

• Commencement of all Install, Move, Add, Change, Delete (IMACD) services to be actioned upon request of DCJ

• Enable all building access cards (existing or new) to be configured to authenticate with the newly installed fleet of printers.

• Provision of an adequate amount of starter stock of toner at each site.

• Automatic allocation of printing costs to users’ cost centres based upon their building access card ID plus detailed electronic invoicing at the cost centre level.

• Provision of initial training for a small team of DCJ ICT staff plus onsite training, as required, but especially when installing a new device. 

• An adequately skilled and dedicated technical support manager co-located on site with DCJ’s ICT technical support team in Parramatta.

• An adequately skilled support desk to field calls from DCJ by phone, email or via a portal, resolve software and device incidents and manage service requests through to fulfilment.

• An automated interface between the selected service provider’s and DCJ’s support desks for all types of tickets.

• Ongoing proactive recommendations related to optimum device location/utilisation.


The above services are to be predicated upon:

• An agreed, viable transition in plan provided by the selected service provider to ensure no disruption to DCJ’s print users whilst the existing arrangements are being replaced by the new MPS.

• The selected service provider being willing to enter into and meet a set of agreed SLAs /KPIs pertaining to optimum device functionality, cost, capacity, utilisation and customer satisfaction.

• The provision of continuous improvements in order to provide a best practice printing service, agile working for DCJ users and a paper-lite environment.

In addition to the above, DCJ is keen to ensure it receives optimum value for its existing DoJ fleet of printers (current book value TBA) and/or are offered an equivalent “soft landing” rather than incur a straight financial write-off.


NSW Regions: Far North Coast, Mid North Coast, New England, Central Coast, Hunter, Cumberland/Prospect, Nepean, Northern Sydney, Inner West, South East Sydney, South West Sydney, Central West, Orana/Far West, Riverina/Murray, Illawarra, Southern Highlands

RFT Type

Request for Proposals - An invitation for expressions of interest / seeking preliminary proposals. In many cases these may be used as a basis for shortlisting tenderers, along with other criteria such as expertise and experience. Prospective tenderers are initially evaluated for their proposal against the relevant selection criteria. A number of those who best meet the criteria are invited to tender. For complex or some other types of procurement, where the product or service outcomes are highly dependent on the content of the proposals received from Tenderers, the outcome may be negotiated.

This tender opportunity is not expected to lead to the award of a contract, or the award details will be advertised elsewhere. Please telephone or email the contact officer for details

Additional Details / Instructions

As per Advance Notice ID: Prj_4306 AN Published on 2nd Feb 2022. 

The RFP opportunity can only be accessed and responded via the Department’s end to end procurement system, Procurement Central. Any submission lodged outside of Procurement Central will not be considered by the Department.

To participate in the tender opportunity, please register on

Organisations who have not registered on Procurement Central will not be able to access the tender information. If you have already registered on Procurement Central, you are not required to register again. 

If you require assistance with registering on Procurement Central, you may contact the Customer Support via below methods.

If you are in Australia please call: 02 8074 8627

If you are outside of Australia, please click here for overseas phone numbers. 



Address for Lodgement

DCJ Procurement Central System please see 'Additional Details / Instructions above

Covered Procurement Details

  • The Procurement (Enforceable Procurement Provisions) Direction 2019 applies to this procurement
  • A government agency may conduct negotiations with suppliers regarding the procurement

Multi Agency Access
