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NSW Department of Communities and Justice / Victims of Crime Research - Impact of Media on Victims of Crime - DAGJ 2012/26

RFT ID DAGJ 2012/26
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 11-May-2012
Closes 5-Jun-2012 11:00am
Category Research programs
Agency Z Archived Agencies

Contact Person
Nicole Hunt
Phone: (02) 8688 8191

Tender Details

Victims Services recognises that the body of evidence of what works best for victims of crime, particularly in an Australian context, is limited.  With this in mind, Victims Services developed the Victims of Crime Research Agenda with the assistance of a range of stakeholders, including advocates and representatives of victims of crime, and representatives from the government, non-government, and academic sectors.  The purpose of the Research Agenda is to stimulate new, high quality research, to directly support service provision for victims of crime in New South Wales.

The Victims of Crime Research Agenda identified a number of significant research priorities to be considered over the coming three years.  It also laid the foundation for the Victims of Crime Research Fund, which was developed to provide limited funding to researchers for selected work in the highest of those priority areas.  The Research Fund is intended to support policy development, program design and improve service delivery for victims of crime, as well as promote beneficial research partnerships.

We recognise that the landscape of needs for victims of crime is diverse and continues to change as new challenges emerge.  Victims Services strives to ensure that in an environment where people’s experiences can be unique, there are consistent and excellent services from which every victim of crime in NSW can draw support.

The Victims of Crime Research Fund is not intended to be entirely specific or prescriptive and does not preclude researchers from submitting their own ideas for research.  We recognise that research proposals that may not relate directly to current policy imperatives could lead to new and innovative ways of supporting victims of crime.  However, we do remain focused on informative and applied research into two identified areas of high priority research that would underpin policies and services available to victims of crime.  Those areas of high priority research are:

1. Support for victims of crime and their participation in court processes


2. The impact of media reporting on victims of crime.


Funded research should result in a proposed publication or resource that will contribute the body of research already available about victims of crime.  It should aim to increase the body of knowledge available in the targeted research area, and potentially provide a benefit to victims of crime in New South Wales by better informing the policies, programs and services available to them.


NSW Regions: Central West, Far West, Hunter, Illawarra, Mid North Coast, Murray, Murrumbidgee, Northern, North Western, Richmond Tweed, South Eastern, Sydney

RFT Type

Open Tenders - An invitation to tender by public advertisement with no restriction placed on who may tender. Tenderers will normally be required to demonstrate in their tender that they have the necessary skills, resources, experience, financial capacity, and in some cases licences, accreditations, etc., to fulfil the tender requirements.

Tender Respondents

Business Name Trading Name Address
Colmar Brunton Social Research - 80 Waterloo Road
North Ryde NSW 2113
Colmar Brunton Social Research - 80 Waterloo Road
North Ryde NSW 2113
university of technology sydney - 15 broadway
ultimo NSW 2007

Additional Details / Instructions

Funded research should result in a proposed publication or resource that will contribute the body of research already available about victims of crime.  It is expected that all materials generated are the sole property of the Department and will be handed over at the conclusion of the project.

All material produced with the assistance of the Victims of Crime Research Fund must be submitted to Victims Services for approval prior to any publication.  Editorial control and copyright of all documentation, reports, resources and summaries remain with Victims Services.  Significant media opportunities associated with the funded research project such as project launches, interviews or articles, are also to be negotiated with Victims Services.

Subject to Departmental approval, all reports, resources and summaries must:

clearly display the NSW State Government logo and standard recognition of Victims Services as the funding body (electronic versions of the NSW State Government logo can be obtained by contacting Victims Services).  These must also be made available free of charge, unless otherwise negotiated with Victims Services, and be provided to Victims Services for publication and retention.