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NSW Department of Communities and Justice / Project Management Services - Redfern Project - MPD-105/010107

RFT ID MPD-105/010107
RFT Type Pre-Qualified / Invited
Published 6-Aug-2007
Closes 24-Aug-2007 5:00pm
Category Building and Facility Construction and Maintenance Services
Agency Z Archived Agencies

Contact Person
Arveen Sharma
Phone: (02) 9268 3519

Tender Details

Redfern Housing Redevelopment Project - Project Management Consultancy Services


NSW Regions: Sydney

RFT Type

Pre-Qualified / Invited - Only those directly invited to tender, may obtain an RFT for the purpose of lodging a tender response. Generally an invitation from a pre-qualified register of approved tenderers who have the ability to undertake the particular work or type of work proposed, a limited number of service providers are known to carry out the work or service (or in emergency or other restricted situations). Tenderers have usually been pre-qualified, accredited, or selected for the type of work and financial range. Competitive bids called from a standing offer (panel / period) contracts would also use this type.

Tender Respondents

Business Name Trading Name Address
BlueVisions Management Pty Ltd blueVisions 99 Mount Street
North Sydney NSW 2060
Bovis Lend Lease Bovis Lend Lease Consulting 30 Hickson Road
Millers Point, Sydney NSW 2000
Bovis Lend Lease Bovis Lend Lease Consulting 30 Hickson Road
Millers Point, Sydney NSW 2000
Thinc Projects - Level 2, 345 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000