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NSW Department of Communities and Justice / Market sounding for the Rural Residential Adolescent Rehabilitation Services - PRJ_4754

RFT Type Invitation To Respond
Published 15-Dec-2022
Closes 13-Jan-2023 11:00am
Category Community and social services
Agency NSW Department of Communities and Justice

Contact Person
Catriona McDonnell
Phone: 9

Tender Details

The Department of Communities and Justice is requesting information from the industry to inform potential program decisions and procurement strategies for the Rural Residential Adolescent Rehabilitation (the Services).

The primary objective of the Rural Residential Adolescent Rehabilitation Services is to offer a 24-hour intensive therapeutic rehabilitation service in a residential setting to assist young people to address their alcohol and other drug misuse connected with their offending behaviour.

The Services work to improve social and emotional well-being, enhance living skills, strengthen interpersonal skills, and increase connection to culture, family, and community. Given the majority of young people accessing the program are Aboriginal, cultural support is important and necessary. Services need to be holistic and culturally responsive, supporting the healing of all young people.

The potential Provider will provide the Services in the premises currently being used for this purpose in Dubbo and Coffs Harbour (note Providers can deliver the service in either site or both sites). The provider will be responsible for management of the Services as well as the premises. Each service location operates an 8-bed capacity, with constant staff supervision.

The target group of the Services is young people (both male and female) 13 to 18 years old who are clients of the Department of Communities and Justice (Youth Justice) who have a history of significant alcohol and other drug use related to their offending behaviour. This includes young people who have a dual diagnosis, as well as young people on methadone, buprenorphine and/or other medically supervised medications.

The young people may also have concurrent issues such as family breakdown, homelessness, low levels of literacy and cognitive impairment as well as health, behavioural and physical safety issues.

Many of the young people accessing the service are of Aboriginal and the majority will be male.

This market sounding will investigate the market and provide an opportunity to ensure the sector is advised of this program and market feasibility is investigated.

Respondents with interest in providing these services, have existing footprints in the Services locations (either location or both), have experience in providing similar services, or respondents wishing to expand into these types of service provision are encouraged to respond to advise of their interest.

This is an Invitation To Respond only - This is not a tender. The information requested from industry may be used to inform potential program decisions and procurement strategies.




NSW Regions: Mid North Coast, Orana/Far West

RFT Type

Invitation To Respond - This is not a tender. The system is being used for invitation for public response to information published on, or accessible through, this website. Examples would include EIS, discussion papers, requests for information, registrations for position appointments, etc.

Multi Agency Access
