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Customer Service / Long Bay Correctional Centre: - 0701637

RFT ID 0701637
RFT Type Pre-Qualified / Invited
Published 3-Oct-2007
Closes 11-Oct-2007 9:30am
Category Building and Facility Construction and Maintenance Services
Agency ZArchived Agencies

Contact Person
Shane McDonald
Phone: 02 9795 0822

Tender Details

NOTE - This is an Invited tender.

Provide a new electronic security system to the boom gate and new complex control room at Long Bay Correctional Complex and integrate with the existing conduit reticulation system, the existing complex equipment room racks and associated equipment e.g. sliding gate equipment, electronic security systems, and the existing complex control room desk. Systematically integrate with the existing security systems.

The Invited Tenderers are:

  • Advanced Security Systems Pty Ltd, Stanmore
  • Elbex Access & Security Pty Ltd, Silverwater
  • Honeywell Ltd, North Ryde
  • Sielox Security Systems, Parramatta
  • Tony Pollard Electrics Pty Ltd, Unanderra
Tenders from the above contractors ONLY will be accepted.


NSW Regions: Sydney

RFT Type

Pre-Qualified / Invited - Only those directly invited to tender, may obtain an RFT for the purpose of lodging a tender response. Generally an invitation from a pre-qualified register of approved tenderers who have the ability to undertake the particular work or type of work proposed, a limited number of service providers are known to carry out the work or service (or in emergency or other restricted situations). Tenderers have usually been pre-qualified, accredited, or selected for the type of work and financial range. Competitive bids called from a standing offer (panel / period) contracts would also use this type.

Tender Respondents

Business Name Trading Name Address
Advanced Security Systems Pty Limited - Level 1, 10 Bridge Road
Stanmore NSW 2048
Sielox Security Systems Pty Limited - 7K Parkes Street
Parramatta NSW 2150

Related Records

  • Contract Award Notices:
    • 0701637  Advanced Security Systems Pty Limited

Additional Details / Instructions

Only a Hardcopy of the whole document is available - and a softcopy of the returnable schedules is available for downloading by following the instructions below.

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"ORDER A CD/HARD COPY" link at the bottom of this page and follow the on-screen instructions,
It may be ordered by telephoning Shane McDonald on 02 9795 0822 between the hours of 8.30am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday

An Exhibited hardcopy of this RFT is available for viewing by contacting Shane McDonald on 02 9795 0822

When you have completed your response you can lodge it electronically via this Web Site You must be a registered user in order to submit a response. Click on the "LODGE A RESPONSE" link at the bottom of this page and follow the on-screen instructions.

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