Tender Details
This procurement relates to the engagement of an IT Managed Service Provider to Design, Implement and Supportnew IT Solutions and Infrastructure for TAHE as they move to their own IT Environment.
Since establishment 18 months ago, TAHE has been operating in and has been supported by the Transport for NSW IT Environment. As a State Owned Corporation, an independent entity, TAHE are now undertaking the process to operating more independently, starting with the move to a new TAHE office and the implementation of a TAHE specific IT ecosystem. TAHE currently has a team of 20 staff, with plans to grow to approximately 100 staff within the next 18 months.
Areas of service include Network Services (Internet & Wifi), Network and Device Cyber Security, End-User Device and Peripheral IT Equipment, Printing Solutions, Identity and Access Management, Microsoft365 Environment (including Email and Records Management) and selected business applications.
Refer to Additional Details / Instructions
RFT Type
Additional Details / Instructions
Additional details/Instructions: In order to gain access to the Request for Tender documents, Tenderers are required to register their interest by sending an email to:
and include the following information:
1) Tender No and Title, 2) RFT ID, 3) Organisation Name, 4) ACN/ABN, 5) Contact Name, 6) Organisation/contact postal address, 7) Contact email address (preferably an email address with the contact person's name), 8) Contact phone number
To gain access to the tender documents in Ariba over the internet once access is provided, please ensure that you are using PC with web browser: • Google Chrome 54+ (64 –bit) • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7-11(32-bit) • Mozilla Firefox 24 or 27(ESR) • Safari 9+ (64-bit) • Microsoft Edge (32-bit)
Conditions for Participation
In order to participate in this procurement, Proponents must be prequalified under the ICT Services Scheme (SCM0020) in at least 3 of the following categories:
- D02 End User Computing Management including delivery “as a service”
- D01End User Computing Installation, Configuration and Maintenance including delivery “as a service"
- A01 Enterprise & Business Architecture
- A03 Solution Architecture
- J02 Operations Management including delivery “as a service”
- K01 Security Strategy including delivery “as a service”
- K04 Security & Firewall Management including delivery “as a service”
- M07 Software Support & Maintenance Services including delivery “as a service”
Proponents must be qualified before the RFQ Closing Date and Time. TAHE accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any delays experienced by Proponents that are not appointed to the relevant categories of the ICT Services Scheme before the RFQ Closing Date and Time.