Tender Details
The SREC Commercial Options Project (WS136985) explores a greater involvement of the private sector in the ownership of the Strathfield Rail Equipment Centre (SREC).
This notice is confirmation that a public Request for Proposal has been released on 22 March 2013 in RailCorp’s Ariba Spend Management system.
RFT Type
Additional Details / Instructions
In order to gain access to the Request For Proposal documents, Participants are required to register their interest by sending an email tenderinfo@railcorp.nsw.gov.au and include the following:
1) Event Title,
2) RFT ID,
3) Organisation Name,
4) ACN/ ABN,
5) Contact Name,
6) Organisation/Contact Postal Address,
7) Contact Email Address,
8) Contact Phone No.
To gain access to the tender documents in Ariba over the internet once access is provided, please ensure that you are using Windows PC with web browser Internet Explorer Version 6, 7 or above.