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Transport Asset Holding Entity of New South Wales / Demolition & Removal of former Marsh Bros Tannery & Clyde Pre-stress Concrete Factory - 2007/1803

RFT ID 2007/1803
RFT Type Selective Tenders
Published 13-Mar-2007
Closes 18-Apr-2007 10:00am
Category Utilities
Agency Transport Asset Holding Entity of New South Wales

Contact Person
Sunil Tiku
Phone: (02) 8922 0219

Tender Details

RailCorp requires an experienced demolition Contractor for the removal of the former Marsh Bros Tannery and Clyde Prestress Concrete Factory located in the Granville Triangle, East Street, Granville. Work involves the demolition and removal of the structures comprising of the former Tannery and Pre-stress Factory to slab level, removal of all hazardous materials from the Site (including friable asbestos), and stabilising a section of retaining wall along the embankment of the Great Western Railway. This Preamble is in summary form only for the convenience of Tenderers and must not be relied upon by Tenderers. It is subject to the detailed requirements in Parts A-E of this Request for Tender Document (the "RFT"). Without limitation, the proposed scope of work outlined in the RFT may be subject to amendment in accordance with Addenda issued under clause A14 of the Conditions of Tendering.


NSW Regions: Sydney

RFT Type

Selective Tenders - An invitation to tender that is made to a limited number of tenderers, from a Pre-qualified Panel. Tenderers are pre-qualified, for an ongoing program of works or services, on a proven record of satisfactory performance in the category for which tenders are sought.

RFT Preview Document(s)

Related Records

  • Contract Award Notices:
    • 2007/1803  Affective Services (Aust) pty Ltd

Additional Details / Instructions

A meeting will be held at the site and all prospective Tenderers should meet RailCorps Representative commencing at 2 pm Tuesday 20 March 2007, at East Street, Granville. For further details (regarding Pre-Tender meeting only), please contact Fiona Christiansen on telephone 9224 3917 or Mob. 0413 337 736. Attendance is highly recommended to fully gauge the extent of works including site limitations and conditions.