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Transport Asset Holding Entity of New South Wales / Planned Bus Services, Outer Metro Incl Possessions - WS15545

RFT ID WS15545
RFT Type Request for Proposals
Published 5-Jan-2010
Closes 10-Feb-2010 10:00am
Category Transportation and Storage and Mail Services
Agency Transport Asset Holding Entity of New South Wales

Contact Person
Phone: 1300 132 136

Tender Details

RailCorp is seeking responses to this Request for Proposal for the Provision of Buses in the Outer Metro regions of the CityRail network.  A briefing will be held Tuesday 12 January commencing 11.00am at  Bus and Coach Association Office, 27 Villers Street, North Parramatta NSW 2150 (details in RFP).

RailCorp provides rail services on the CityRail network.  RailCorp also enters into contracts with bus operators to provide:

(a)        bus services to replace or supplement train services in the event of track possession works or other disruptions (Temporary Bus Services); and

(b)        timetabled bus services at set times when train services are unavailable (Timetabled Bus Services).

Temporary Bus Services fall into 2 categories:

 (a)       Track Possession Bus Services, which are pre planned services for planned weekend track possessions; and

(b)        Additional Bus Services which are services provided to replace rail services, if requested by RailCorp, during occasional weeknight track possessions or weekday closedowns on the RailCorp Network.

Note: Planned Major weekday closedowns will form part of the scope of the Bus Services to be provided by the bus operator in the region. The new contracts offered in this RFP represent significant changes from the way in which RailCorp has procured replacement bus services in the past. 

Contract term: The contracts are for three years and, with extensions in accordance with clause 4 of Part E, up to seven years in total without tender.



NSW Regions: Sydney

RFT Type

Request for Proposals - An invitation for expressions of interest / seeking preliminary proposals. In many cases these may be used as a basis for shortlisting tenderers, along with other criteria such as expertise and experience. Prospective tenderers are initially evaluated for their proposal against the relevant selection criteria. A number of those who best meet the criteria are invited to tender. For complex or some other types of procurement, where the product or service outcomes are highly dependent on the content of the proposals received from Tenderers, the outcome may be negotiated.

Related Records

  • Standing Offer Notices:
    • CW27825
    • CW5970

Additional Details / Instructions

In order to gain access to the Request For Proposal documents, Respondents are required to register their interest by sending an email to and include the following;

1) Event Title, 2) RFT  ID , 3) Organisation Name, 4) ACN/ ABN, 5) Contact Name, 6) Organisation/Contact Postal Address, 7) Contact Email Address, 8) Contact Phone No