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Transport Asset Holding Entity of New South Wales / Audit Services - CW2573299

SON ID CW2573299
Agency Transport Asset Holding Entity of New South Wales
Published 11-Mar-2024
Category Audit and risk
Particulars of the goods or services to be provided under this Standing Offer

Enterprise Internal Audit Services Panel

Standing Offer Duration 12-Dec-2023 to 30-Jun-2024

Supplier Details

Supplier Name ACN/ABN Location
Business Name: BDO Services Pty Ltd ACN: 134242434
ABN: 45 134 242 434
Level 11, 1 Margaret Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Business Name: The Trustee for Birdanco Practice Trust
Trading Name: RSM Australia Pty Ltd
ACN: 009321377
ABN: 65 319 382 479
Level 13, 60 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Method of Tendering


Standing Offer Contains Agency 'PiggyBack' Clause


Agency Contact Ron Kwan