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Transport Asset Manager (TAM) of NSW / Resignalling Works at Newnes – Request for Tender - WS134455

RFT ID WS134455
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 4-Jun-2013
Closes 12-Jul-2013 10:00am
Category Railway signaling systems
Agency Transport Asset Manager (TAM) of NSW

Contact Person
Procurement Help Desk
Phone: 1300 132 136

Tender Details

The current signalling at Newnes Junction is life expired and is not suitable for remote control. The planned resignalling at Newnes Junction will replace the existing life expired signalling equipment with a modern, colour light signalling system with remote control capability. The scope of the tender is for the provision of design, construction and commissioning of the new signalling infrastructure.


The existing Newnes Junction Signal Box will become redundant but may be retained for other purposes.  It is proposed that the existing Blacktown Signal Box integrates the control of Newnes Junction interlocking.          

The objective is to provide a signalling system that is safe, reliable and to be upgraded to meet the current functional requirements of RailCorp.

In general the Contractor is responsible for the design, supply, installation, test and commission of the new works.

The Evaluation Criteria are:


Compliance with the RFT Document or departures acceptable to RailCorp


Tenderers Quality Management System, Safety, OHS, Environmental & QA Management Systems are acceptable to RailCorp


Tenderers understanding of RailCorp’s project requirements, proposed methodology and contract management systems


Tenderers proposed completion dates and program (schedule) for completing the Works


Tenderers past experience in completion of similar projects for RailCorp or equivalent


Lump Sum Tender Price submitted and the estimated total costs to RailCorp


Tenderers demonstrated extent of appropriately qualified and experienced staff made available to undertake RailCorp’s proposed project


NSW Regions: Central West

RFT Type

Open Tenders - An invitation to tender by public advertisement with no restriction placed on who may tender. Tenderers will normally be required to demonstrate in their tender that they have the necessary skills, resources, experience, financial capacity, and in some cases licences, accreditations, etc., to fulfil the tender requirements.

Related Records

  • Contract Award Notices:
    • CW33063  UGL Engineering Pty Ltd

Additional Details / Instructions

In order to gain access to the Request For Tender documents, Tenderers are required to register their interest by sending an email and include the following:

1) Event Title,

2) RFT ID,

3) Organisation Name,

4) ACN/ ABN,

5) Contact Name,

6) Organisation/Contact Postal Address,

7) Contact Email Address,

8) Contact Phone No. 

To gain access to the tender documents in Ariba over the internet once access is provided, please ensure that you are using Windows PC with web browser Internet Explorer Version 6, 7 or above.