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Transport Asset Manager (TAM) of NSW / TAHE Affordable Housing Pilot Project – Expression of Interest - TAHE-AHPP-EOI-001

RFT Type Expression of Interest For Pre-Qualification
Published 24-Feb-2023
Closes 24-Mar-2023 5:00pm
Category Development finance institutions
Agency Transport Asset Manager (TAM) of NSW

Contact Person
Jaiden Moussa
Phone: 0409 997 381

Tender Details

TAHE is the owner and strategic asset manager of an extensive portfolio of property assets across NSW comprising of railway networks, rolling stock and significant land holdings. As a State Owned Corporation, TAHE is uniquely placed to re-imagine its commercial property assets to drive growth and create new value.

The Affordable Housing Pilot Project is an opportunity to partner with TAHE in the delivery of affordable housing. Eligible Proponents will gain access to TAHE land to deliver affordable housing across four Local Government Areas in Greater Sydney.

The purpose of this Expression of Interest (EOI) is to understand and assess, amongst other things, the capabilities and financial capacity of Proponents who wish to participate in the Pilot Project. An evaluation team will determine which Proponents will be invited into the subsequent Request for Proposal stage. Proposals must demonstrate capability as a long-term capital partner, developer and operator of Affordable Housing Projects.


NSW Regions: Cumberland/Prospect, Inner West, South East Sydney

RFT Type

Expression of Interest For Pre-Qualification - An invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for pre-registration of prospective tenderers for a type of work or service. Applicants are initially evaluated against published selection criteria. RFT may then be invited from a panel of providers (as Selective, or Invited).

This tender opportunity is not expected to lead to the award of a contract, or the award details will be advertised elsewhere. Please telephone or email the contact officer for details

Address for Lodgement

EOIs must be lodged electronically via the Ansarada Data Room

Conditions for Participation

Access to the Ansarada Data Room, where the Expression Of Interest can be accessedwill be granted following the completion of the following steps:

Step 1

Interested parties to download the Confidentiality Deed Poll, Main Contact Request Form, User Access Request Form and Minimum Requirements Compliance Statement (“Data Room Access Documents”),  under Participation Instructions "Download a soft copy - free".

Step 2

Interested parties to complete and accurately execute where relevant the Data Room Access Documents noting that:

• Regarding the Minimum Requirements, the Interested Parties must hold a registered ABN and have demonstrated affordable housing design, delivery or investment experience within Australia or internationally.

• Interested parties must acknowledge and agree to the Data Room Interaction Rules.

• If consultants/advisers are seeking access to the virtual data room on behalf of a Proponent, the relevant Proponent must request access on their behalf via the User Access Request document.

Step 3

Interested parties are to email through the completed Data Room Access Documents through to the EOI Contact:

Step 4

Only organisations deemed to be a bona fide Proponent will be provided access to the Ansarada Data Room to view the EOI. The Data Room will contain all information relevant to the viewing and lodging of a response to the EOI.

• Access for bona fide Proponent will be granted within 24hrs of sending through the Data Room Access Documents.

• If there are questions regarding your access, the EOI Contact Manager will respond directly to you.

• If the interested Proponent is deemed to not be bona fide, the request for access will be rejected and the interested Proponent notified of the outcome.

Multi Agency Access
