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Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water / C2019.069 Security Services Taronga - C2019.069 Security Services Taronga

RFT ID C2019.069 Security Services Taronga
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 31-Oct-2019
Closes 2-Dec-2019 10:00am
Category Security surveillance and detection
Agency Taronga Conservation Society Australia

Contact Person
Bruno Da Silva
Phone: 0410595072

Tender Details

Taronga has identified a need to assess and award a contract to an integrated security services partner.

There are 3 distinct types of Security Requirements at Taronga, namely; Portal/Patrol; Taronga Events and Epicure Events. 

1. Portal and patrol - Security personnel provide between 3-8 staff (depending on rostering and other factors) up to five shifts over a 24 hour period

Activities involve: Patrol assisting in grounds especially at shows;Meeting emergency services and code assistance;Alarm monitoring and isolation;Portal support; Perimeter monitoring;Portal assisting gate monitoring;Contactor entrance;Alarm monitoring;Code assistance;Chief warden overnight (& 6am – 9am);Card activation;Gallagher system monitoring

2.Taronga Events at TZ – events including twilight, Vivid, NYE and corporate events are covered by an external provider. These events are high volume and high risk and often involve more active security including bag searches and RSA compliance. Often the events are after hours and with external events partners. Over the last 12 months Taronga conducted around 40 events nights involving on average 7 security guards per night.

3.Epicure Events at TZ are also staffed and resourced by contactors. These guards are needed for Taronga function events and other events managed by Epicure in grounds. Each year Epicure conducts 100 such events and on average engaged 2 guards per event. Epicure is the site liquor licence owner and as such must respond and be compliant to licencing standards.


NSW Regions: Northern Sydney

RFT Type

Open Tenders - An invitation to tender by public advertisement with no restriction placed on who may tender. Tenderers will normally be required to demonstrate in their tender that they have the necessary skills, resources, experience, financial capacity, and in some cases licences, accreditations, etc., to fulfil the tender requirements.

Additional Details / Instructions

Respondents are to provide their details in Document C table 1 by close of business (COB) November 6 2019 and email intention to submit RFT response as well name (s) of two representatives to attend Supplier Briefing at Taronga on November 14 2019. Full response to tender is due Monday December 2 2019.

Multi Agency Access
