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Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water / LeadSmart Stage 2 – Development of Curriculum Aligned Education Programs - Tender_1291

RFT ID Tender_1291
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 5-Dec-2017
Closes 15-Jan-2018 10:00am
Category Specialized educational services
Agency NSW Environment Protection Authority

Contact Person
Shannon Minnis
Phone: 08 8080 3236

Tender Details

In February 2015 the NSW Government announced that over $13 million had been allocated to address lead exposure issues in Broken Hill over the five years commencing 1 July 2015. The funding was allocated in response to ongoing detections of elevated blood lead levels in children living in Broken Hill. The funding is being used to establish a rejuvenated Broken Hill Environmental Lead Program (BHELP) with the aim of addressing this important issue.

This program has been developed in partnership between the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and NSW Health and has a focus on children, particularly Aboriginal children who have been shown to have higher incidences of elevated blood lead levels. The funding is focused on establishing long term sustainable solutions to ensure that children aged 1 to 4 years in Broken Hill meet the National Health Medical Research Council (NHMRC) target for blood lead levels into the future.

Public education and awareness programs are a key focus area of the BHELP strategy to address the lead issue in Broken Hill.

The stage one LeadSmart Community Engagement Strategy was developed to support the key objectives of the BHELP and focussed on raising awareness of the lead issue and the simple and practical ways to reduce lead exposure – particularly amongst children aged 0-4 years.  The campaign included television, radio and Facebook advertising campaigns, printed educational materials and a dedicated website

The stage one LeadSmart Community Engagement Strategy was in market from October 2016 to March 2017.  Evaluation of the stage one campaign has shown that it was extremely effective in cutting through with the Broken Hill community - positively influencing awareness and conversation on the lead issue and on how locals can reduce lead exposure.

The intent of this request for quotation is to engage a suitable supplier to develop NSW Department of Education, curriculum aligned education programs that will form part of the stage 2 LeadSmart community engagement strategy.  The aim of the stage 2 strategy is to engage with the local community through the development and delivery of targeted education programs to key audience groups.  The objectives of the strategy is to change behaviours, build capacity and empower so that target groups / individuals (and through the individual the broader community) have the skills and confidence to address the lead issue into the future


Refer to Additional Details / Instructions

RFT Type

Open Tenders - An invitation to tender by public advertisement with no restriction placed on who may tender. Tenderers will normally be required to demonstrate in their tender that they have the necessary skills, resources, experience, financial capacity, and in some cases licences, accreditations, etc., to fulfil the tender requirements.

Additional Details / Instructions

Please refer to the RFQ Documents

Address for Lodgement


Multi Agency Access
