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Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water / Litter Expert Panel - EOI_2047

RFT Type Invitation To Respond
Published 21-Jan-2019
Closes 18-Feb-2019 10:00am
Category Environmental Services
Agency NSW Environment Protection Authority

Contact Person
John Lavarack
Phone: 02 9995 6466

Tender Details

The Environment Protection Authority (The Agency) is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from contractors who are able to provide litter prevention expertise to assist with development of Community Litter Grant projects.

The key objective of this EOI is to establish an arrangement to provide expert advice to community groups on effective ways to develop litter prevention initiatives, and to guide them as they apply for Community Litter Grants and then implement litter prevention projects in local public space. 

The key outcome is that community groups are engaged and skilled up to deliver projects that contribute to the Premier’s Priority of reducing the volume of litter in NSW by 40% by 2020.

It is anticipated that up to eight Litter Experts will be contracted across the State to work with community groups in their own localities or regions. The EPA will provide induction and training for Litter Experts to ensure that they can fulfil their roles with community groups.

This will be a part-time role based on a contract with the Agency and paid at a standard hourly rate. The hours that can be invoiced to the EPA will depend on the demand for the Litter Expert’s services (for more detail, please see sections 3 to 5 in the Brief at the end of this document).

If you are interested in lodging an EOI for this opportunity please prepare a submission, using Part B attached with this request. This should be in sufficient detail to enable your service capabilities to be assessed against the criteria listed in this Request for EOI.


Refer to Additional Details / Instructions

RFT Type

Invitation To Respond - This is not a tender. The system is being used for invitation for public response to information published on, or accessible through, this website. Examples would include EIS, discussion papers, requests for information, registrations for position appointments, etc.

Additional Details / Instructions

Please refer to attached documents

Address for Lodgement

Multi Agency Access
