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Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water / Archived Tender List

Tenders in this section closed 30 or more days ago. Respondents details are included, where available.

Showing 76 - 90 of 924 records

NSW Koala Strategy - Population Genomics and Molecular Ecology of Koalas

The NSW Koala Strategy aims to prevent koala extinction and double the population numbers. This tender is seeking specialist scientific expertise to process koala tissue samples and conduct genomic analyses, which will advance understanding of the molecular ecology and conservation genomics of NSW koala populations. The provider must have skills in DNA extraction, genomic sequencing, bioinformatics, technical reporting, and data storage. The key outcomes of this procurement will be an advanced understanding of NSW koala population genetics and how these factors interact with other intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing koala population dynamics and resilience.

RFT ID SR3978439928
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 8-May-2023
Closes 2-Jun-2023 2:00pm
Covered Procurement Yes
Research, testing and modelling
Agency Biodiversity Conservation & Science
Last Updated: 8-May-2023 4:46pm

NSW Koala Strategy - Comparative Analysis of Disease and Health of Koalas

As part of the NSW Koala Strategy, this tender is seeking specialist scientific expertise to analyse koala tissue samples and advance understanding of the impact of infectious diseases on koala populations in New South Wales. The goal is to gather information through a multi-year, field-based research program called the Sentinel Program, which will help develop effective koala management strategies and assess risks to koala populations. The provider of this procurement must have the ability to process koala blood, tissue, and swab samples, and perform analytical procedures such as biochemical, haematological, and molecular approaches to detect or quantify data relating to key koala disease agents, disease risk, and immune markers. The successful delivery of these analytical and data services will help improve understand of how disease interacts with other intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing koala population dynamics and resilience in NSW.

RFT ID SR3978439956
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 8-May-2023
Closes 2-Jun-2023 2:00pm
Covered Procurement Yes
Research, testing and modelling
Agency Biodiversity Conservation & Science
Last Updated: 8-May-2023 4:47pm

Registration of Interest for the Central West Orana Renewable Energy Zone – Independent Certifier Services

EnergyCo invites suitably experienced and qualified entities to register their interest in participating in the procurement process for the provision of independent certification services for the Central-West Orana renewable energy zone network infrastructure project.   EnergyCo will accept receipt of registration documents until 5pm on 30 May 2023 .    EnergyCo intends to conduct negotiations during the Request for Tender stage (as opposed to Registration of Interest stage).

RFT Type Invitation To Respond
Published 5-May-2023
Closes 30-May-2023 5:00pm
Construction consultants
Agency Energy Corporation of NSW
Last Updated: 24-May-2023 7:02pm

CWA - Plant and Equipment Sheds

Three new shed are required at Yathong Nature Reserve, Koonaburra Station and Mumboana (Mount Grenfell State Conservation Area). The project will include supply and construction of the shed kits as per specifications provided.

RFT ID SR3907252364
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 6-Apr-2023
Closes 17-Apr-2023 5:00pm
Agency National Parks & Wildlife Service
Last Updated: 6-Apr-2023 11:31am

Wonga Walk Sectors 4 and 5

The Wonga Walk in Dorrigo National Park is one of the most popular walks on the North Coast. The walk traverses 6.6km of Temperate and Sub Tropical ancient Gondawana Rainforest on the edge of the Dorrigo escarpment. The track has a long history with several additions and attractions developed over many years since the early 1950’s.  The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) has received funding for the renewal of 1.6km of the existing Rainforest Wonga Walk in Dorrigo National Park. Namely, Sectors 4 and 5 as per the Landscape Drawings in the Attachments to this Tender. Overall the condition of Sectors 4 & 5 is variable but is considered generally in poor condition. Several new structures and track improvements are proposed with the aim of improving visitor access and experiences whilst catering for forecast demand increases. The purpose of this Request for Tender (RFT) is to select a suitably qualified contractor to complete upgrades to Sector 4 (Satin Stole) and Sector 5 (Wonga Walk to Crystal Shower Falls). Construction documentation for the works is available in the tender package and sections of the greater Scope of Works not relevant to this contract have been redacted.   

RFT ID SR3776556517
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 2-Mar-2023
Closes 12-Apr-2023 10:00am
Building and Facility Construction and Maintenance Services
Agency National Parks & Wildlife Service
Last Updated: 23-Mar-2023 3:05pm

Ecologist field workers with formal drone training

The NSW Government is undertaking a statewide baseline survey of koalas as part of the NSW Koala Strategy to derive more precise information on current distribution and abundance. The aims are to model current distribution, improve understanding of how koala occurrence and density vary, increase precision of estimates of koala numbers and provide a foundation for developing strategic monitoring programs.  This statewide survey is an ambitious project that has not been undertaken previously. We aim to survey up to 1000 sites across NSW from 3 October 2022 to 31 October 2024 using multiple survey methods (nocturnal drones, diurnal transects, acoustic monitoring, camera trapping and scat collection).   We will require a large number of experienced and capable ecologist field workers with formal drone training to complete the fieldwork and achieve our objectives.

RFT ID SR3792360397
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 2-Mar-2023
Closes 11-Apr-2023 2:00pm
Covered Procurement Yes
Ecosystems protection services
Agency Biodiversity Conservation & Science
Last Updated: 4-Apr-2023 1:32pm

Property Advisory and Acquisition Services for the New England Renewable Energy Zone Project and the Hunter Transmission Project

The New England Renewable Energy Zone (NE REZ) and Hunter Transmission Project (HTP) requires the engagement of a suitably qualified and experienced land, property and acquisition services to assist with the next stage of project development.

RFT ID SR3772166615
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 2-Mar-2023
Closes 6-Apr-2023 12:00pm
Covered Procurement Yes
Property management services
Agency Energy Corporation of NSW
Last Updated: 15-Mar-2023 12:37pm

Taronga Wildlife Hospital EOI

Taronga Wildlife Hospital EOI

RFT ID C2023.046
RFT Type Pre-Qualified / Invited
Published 22-Mar-2023
Closes 4-Apr-2023 2:00pm
Covered Procurement Yes
Building and Facility Construction and Maintenance Services
Agency Taronga Conservation Society Australia
Last Updated: 23-Mar-2023 10:56am

Fire Access Fire Trail (FAFT) – Renewals of fire trails within Cocoparra National Park

Fire Access Fire Trail (FAFT) – Renewals of fire trails within Cocoparra National Park

RFT ID SR3868440668
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 2-Mar-2023
Closes 3-Apr-2023 5:00pm
Building and Facility Construction and Maintenance Services
Agency National Parks & Wildlife Service
Last Updated: 20-Mar-2023 11:40am

Aboriginal Artwork (NSW Aboriginal Water Strategy)

Provision of Aboriginal artwork to feature the NSW Aboriginal Water Strategy.

RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 1-Mar-2023
Closes 28-Mar-2023 10:00am
Editorial and Design and Graphic and Fine Art Services
Agency DCCEEW - Water Group
Last Updated: 1-Mar-2023 4:19pm

Request for Tenders For Kosciuszko Summit Walk Steel Mesh Upgrades

The works include the fabrication and installation of an on ground steel mesh walkway for the Summit Walk of Mount Kosciuszko in the Kosciuszko National Park.

RFT ID SR3615929001
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 2-Mar-2023
Closes 23-Mar-2023 5:00pm
Structures and Building and Construction and Manufacturing Components and Supplies
Agency National Parks & Wildlife Service
Last Updated: 14-Mar-2023 2:32pm

Murrumbidgee hydraulic modelling services (MBG_FMP1)

To provide three hydraulic models to a stated standard, quality, format and timeline for the following floodplain valleys: •Murrumbidgee: Wagga Wagga to Narrandera •Murrumbidgee: Narrandera to Darlington Point •Yanco Creek offtake: Murrumbidgee River to Yanco Bridge The scope can broadly be defined as: •Update the existing hydraulic models to ensure that they accurately represent the inundation of land on the floodplains for nominated design flood scenarios •Where required in ungauged catchments, complete hydrological modelling to generate inputs for the hydraulic models •The calibration, accuracy and precision of the model/s is to be documented to allow the department and stakeholders to make informed decisions about the delineation of floodway networks and resultant management zones in the respective floodplain management plans •Provide modelling outputs of inundation extents and depth velocity products for nominated design flood scenarios suitable for inclusion in a Geographic Information System; and  •Document the hydraulic model in accordance with the recognised standards including calibration, precision and accuracy as well as limitations of the model and its output

RFT ID SR3792360434
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 17-Feb-2023
Closes 15-Mar-2023 11:45pm
Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services
Agency DCCEEW - Water Group
Last Updated: 6-Mar-2023 1:17pm

Lachlan (Cowra to Condobolin) hydraulic modelling services (LAC_FMP3)

The scope can broadly be defined as: • Update the existing hydraulic models to ensure that they accurately represent the inundation of land on the floodplains for nominated design flood scenarios • Where required in ungauged catchments, complete hydrological modelling to generate inputs for the hydraulic models • The calibration, accuracy and precision of the model/s is to be documented to allow the department and stakeholders to make informed decisions about the delineation of floodway networks and resultant management zones in the respective floodplain management plans • Provide modelling outputs of inundation extents and depth velocity products for nominated design flood scenarios suitable for inclusion in a Geographic Information System; and  • Document the hydraulic model in accordance with the recognised standards including calibration, precision and accuracy as well as limitations of the model and its output.

RFT ID SR3792462757
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 17-Feb-2023
Closes 15-Mar-2023 11:45pm
Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services
Agency DCCEEW - Water Group
Last Updated: 6-Mar-2023 1:27pm

Lachlan (Condobolin to Lake Brewster) hydraulic modelling services (LAC_FMP4)

The scope can broadly be defined as: • Update the existing hydraulic models to ensure that they accurately represent the inundation of land on the floodplains for nominated design flood scenarios • Where required in ungauged catchments, complete hydrological modelling to generate inputs for the hydraulic models • The calibration, accuracy and precision of the model/s is to be documented to allow the department and stakeholders to make informed decisions about the delineation of floodway networks and resultant management zones in the respective floodplain management plans • Provide modelling outputs of inundation extents and depth velocity products for nominated design flood scenarios suitable for inclusion in a Geographic Information System; and  • Document the hydraulic model in accordance with the recognised standards including calibration, precision and accuracy as well as limitations of the model and its output

RFT ID SR3792481392
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 17-Feb-2023
Closes 15-Mar-2023 11:45pm
Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services
Agency DCCEEW - Water Group
Last Updated: 6-Mar-2023 1:20pm

Lachlan (Lake Brewster to Whealbah) hydraulic modelling services – (LAC_FMP5)

The scope can broadly be defined as: • Update the existing hydraulic models to ensure that they accurately represent the inundation of land on the floodplains for nominated design flood scenarios • Where required in ungauged catchments, complete hydrological modelling to generate inputs for the hydraulic models • The calibration, accuracy and precision of the model/s is to be documented to allow the department and stakeholders to make informed decisions about the delineation of floodway networks and resultant management zones in the respective floodplain management plans • Provide modelling outputs of inundation extents and depth velocity products for nominated design flood scenarios suitable for inclusion in a Geographic Information System; and  • Document the hydraulic model in accordance with the recognised standards including calibration, precision and accuracy as well as limitations of the model and its output.

RFT ID SR3792481432
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 17-Feb-2023
Closes 15-Mar-2023 11:45pm
Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services
Agency DCCEEW - Water Group
Last Updated: 6-Mar-2023 1:42pm

Showing 76 - 90 of 924 records