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Department of Education / Archived Tender List

Tenders in this section closed 30 or more days ago. Respondents details are included, where available.

Showing 1171 - 1185 of 28779 records
Transport NSW - Corporate

Request for Proposal - The provision of Customer Communications as a Service (CCaaS)

Transport for NSW (TfNSW) invites submission of Proposals for the supply of Customer Communications as a Service (CCaaS) solution for a period of 3 years with two extensions options of one year each (3+1+1).

RFT ID WS3961474028
RFT Type Request for Proposals
Published 29-May-2023
Closes 17-Jul-2023 2:30pm
Information and technology
Agency Transport NSW - Corporate
Last Updated: 29-May-2023 5:12pm

Supply of Tarpaulins to NSW SES

Supply and delivery of tarpaulins required for the NSW SES operational response requirements.

RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 1-Jun-2023
Closes 17-Jul-2023 10:00am
Covered Procurement Yes
Agency NSW State Emergency Service
Last Updated: 3-Jul-2023 11:42am

State Library of NSW

Digital Preservation System RFT

We invite you to submit a proposal for the Digital Preservation System Request for Tender. This RFT will be an exciting opportunity to provide innovative digital preservation solutions for four agencies - the State Library of NSW, Art Gallery of NSW, Australian Museum and Sydney Opera House. Please see Tendering Conditions and Statement of Requirements for full details.

RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 26-May-2023
Closes 14-Jul-2023 11:45pm
Information and technology
Agency State Library of NSW
Last Updated: 28-Jun-2023 4:12pm

Notice for RFP NSW Government Hotel Accommodation Program 2023-2025 - Notice - RFP for Hotel Accommodation Program

This RFP invites accommodation providers to lodge proposals for consideration to become a provider of accommodation for NSW Government (NSWG) in key locations. This RFP aims to appoint accommodation providers to deliver accommodation services to the Whole of NSWG in locations within Australia, with a strategic focus on regional and remote New South Wales. To participate in this process, you will be contacted directly by FCM Consulting. If you have not been contacted and wish to participate, please email to express your interest. FCM Consulting will assess if your property meets the initial eligibility criteria of being in close proximity to our high volume accommodation cities and towns and/or you have, in the past 12months, received 100+ room nights from NSW Government travellers. For estimated room nights, refer to attached RFP Terms & Conditions, Appendix A. In case you don’t have access to CVENT, please notice that you will be required to express your interest by close of business Friday 30 June 2023. This will allow you to have access to the tool and lodge your proposal accordingly.

RFT ID Notice - RFP Hotel Accommodation Program 2023-25
RFT Type Notice
Published 26-Jun-2023
Closes 14-Jul-2023 5:00pm
Covered Procurement Yes
Agency NSW Procurement
Last Updated: 26-Jun-2023 2:08pm

Print and Imaging Devices and Services Contract

Whole of Government Panel to provide eligible NSW Government buyers with access to a broad spectrum of print and imaging devices and services.

RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 19-May-2023
Closes 14-Jul-2023 5:00pm
Covered Procurement Yes
Information and technology
Agency Digital & ICT
Last Updated: 7-Jul-2023 1:52pm

Third Party Advertising

The purpose of this RFT is to assist South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD) identify a supplier to supply  the management and coordination of printed and digital advertising at Agency facilities.

RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 13-Jun-2023
Closes 14-Jul-2023 3:00pm
Marketing and advertising
Agency HealthShare NSW
Last Updated: 14-Jul-2023 11:40am

Blue Mountains City Council

Consultancy Services for the Development of a Destination Management Plan

Consultancy Services for the Development of a Destination Management Plan. Enquiries related to this Request for Quote must be made in writing to Simone Novello on e-mail

RFT ID 2023/24-ETP TD 01
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 19-Jun-2023
Closes 14-Jul-2023 12:30pm
Management consultants
Agency Blue Mountains City Council
Last Updated: 12-Jul-2023 10:51am

Emerging and Advanced Assistive & Rehabilitation Technologies

To explore the disability, healthcare, and rehabilitation technology markets for potential transformational and assistive technology products.

RFT ID prj_839
RFT Type Expression of Interest For Pre-Qualification
Published 17-May-2023
Closes 14-Jul-2023 12:00pm
Information and technology
Agency Insurance and Care NSW (icare)
Last Updated: 20-Jun-2023 1:57pm

NSW Department of Communities and Justice

RFx for Premier's ANZAC Memorial Scholarship Tours

Established in 2008, the Premier’s ANZAC Memorial Scholarship (PAMS) tours take up to 20 students each year to Australian and/or international destinations to visit battlefields and educational sites and institutions associated with Australian military history. Tours are designed to align closely with the NSW curriculum, and the tour provider must have a deep understanding of the educational needs of the tour participants. The tour provider must also be an experienced and highly specialised provider of school history tours and have a proven track record of providing high quality touring experiences for teenagers that are focused on the history of Australians at war and consider the learning, social and welfare needs of the students.

RFT ID prj_4766 / RFx_862
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 16-Jun-2023
Closes 14-Jul-2023 11:00am
Covered Procurement Yes
Agency NSW Department of Communities and Justice
Last Updated: 16-Jun-2023 8:36am

Fire and Rescue NSW


Quantity Estimation and Cost Planning Services for Design Guidelines

RFT ID 30062023
RFT Type Request for Proposals
Published 2-Jul-2023
Closes 14-Jul-2023 9:00am
Covered Procurement Yes
Agency Fire and Rescue NSW
Last Updated: 30-Jun-2023 2:43pm

Replacement of High Speed Thermal Oil Ironer (Newcastle Linen Services)

HealthShare NSW invites suitably qualified and experienced organisations to participate in a Request for Tender for the ' Replacement of High Speed Thermal Oil Ironer' at HealthShare NSW Newcastle Linen Services.

RFT ID HSNSW_2210581
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 15-Jun-2023
Closes 13-Jul-2023 2:00pm
Specilised equipment and spares
Agency HealthShare NSW
Last Updated: 5-Jul-2023 1:38pm

Sydney Opera House

Audio Consoles Project - Network Switches

Sydney Opera House Trust is seeking responses (a quotation) from suitable organisations for the supply of network switches to facilitate the transport of audio over IP. 

RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 29-Jun-2023
Closes 13-Jul-2023 10:00am
Specilised equipment and spares
Agency Sydney Opera House
Last Updated: 29-Jun-2023 1:09pm

MNCLD Design of Cancer Treatment Room and Consult Spaces

Principal Design Consultant for all design documentation

RFT ID RFT-10059031
RFT Type Selective Tenders
Published 21-Jun-2023
Closes 13-Jul-2023 9:30am
Construction consultants
Agency NSW Public Works
Last Updated: 3-Jul-2023 11:45am

Warrumbungle National Park Camp Blackman 1 Amenity Upgrade Construction

Warrumbungle National Park Camp Blackman 1 Amenity Upgrade Construction - Construct Only - Demolish the existing Camp Blackman 1 amenity building. Construct a modern amenity building (per architectural and engineering designs) on the existing Camp Blackman 1 site

RFT ID RFT-10059241
RFT Type Selective Tenders
Published 19-Jun-2023
Closes 13-Jul-2023 9:30am
Agency NSW Public Works
Last Updated: 7-Jul-2023 9:22am

Softwood Products Division Log Loading and Haulage Services

Contractors are to provide all management, administration, and coordination activities necessary for the effective and efficient delivery of the log product loading and/or haulage services to FCNSW.

RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 3-May-2023
Closes 12-Jul-2023 5:00pm
Agency Department of Regional NSW
Last Updated: 7-Jul-2023 3:08pm

Showing 1171 - 1185 of 28779 records