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WSROC / Design Services for Replacement of Floodlighting - 2011-W946-210-230-W154-760

RFT ID 2011-W946-210-230-W154-760
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 22-Jul-2011
Closes 16-Aug-2011 2:00pm
Category Temporary engineering services
Agency Blue Mountains City Council

Contact Person
Rick Harris
Phone: (02) 4780 5000

Tender Details

Design Services for Replacement of Floodlighting at Gloria Park, Hazelbrook, Knapsack Park, Glenbrook and Lomatia Park, Springwood.

Gloria Park – Installation of floodlights at Gloria Park to achieve uniformity of 100lux to AS2560.2.3 – Lighting for football. Gloria Park has existing floodlights that do not meet current Australian Standards.  This project is to upgrade lighting at Gloria Park to AS2560 for club competition and match practice.  This project should also consider the possibility of providing lighting to the levels required for baseball/softball for twilight/evening cricket matches to be played. Consultation between the user groups of Gloria Park has been undertaken and although it might not be possible to install the luminares for cricket as part of this project, consideration should be given to the installation of all other infrastructure to allow the upgrade to this standard in the future.

Under Section 65 3(d) of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007, a development application or consent is not required as long as the development meets the requirements of AS1158 (2007) Lighting for Roads and Public Spaces particularly in reference to lighting spill and artificial sky glow.


Knapsack Park - Installation of floodlights at Knapsack Park to achieve uniformity of 100lux to AS2560.2.3 – Lighting for football.  Knapsack Park is a sports ground located in within the village of Glenbrook. It is used for football training and matches in the winter season and for cricket in the summer season.  Knapsack Park has existing floodlights that do not meet current Australian Standards. This project is to upgrade lighting at Knapsack Park to AS2560 for club competition and match practice.  This project should also consider the possibility of providing lighting to the levels required for baseball/softball for twilight/evening cricket matches to be played. Although it might not be possible to install the luminares for cricket as part of this project, consideration should be given to the installation of all other infrastructure to allow the upgrade to this standard in the future.

Under Section 65 3(d) of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007, a development application or consent is not required as long as the development meets the requirements of AS1158 (2007) Lighting for Roads and Public Spaces particularly in reference to lighting spill and artificial sky glow.

Knapsack Park is subject to the Tunnel Gully reserve Plan of Management.  There are heritage items to the east and south of the site (G019, G020, G007, G016 and G030) however these are a significant distance from the sports field and, as long as works are kept to the defined sports ground, these items will not be impacted.  There is a scheduled vegetation community to the east of the sportsground, however by containing works to the sportsground, works will not impact on this community.


Lomatia Park - Design and replace sports floodlighting at Lomatia Park to allow night use to Australian Standard 2560.   Lomatia Park is a sportsground located in Springwood. It is a heritage listed site in the Local Environment Plan 2005 as SP046.  The heritage listing refers to the use of Lomatia Park as a sports ground (specifically cricket) over a long period. The heritage listing also refers to the presence of two native shrub communities in the uncleared area of the park. Restricting the works to the defined sportsground areas will ensure that the heritage integrity of the site is maintained.

Lomatia Park is currently used by a variety of user groups for differing purposes. During summer, the oval is the home ground for senior sides of the Springwood Cricket Club. During both summer and winter, the site is used by the Blue Mountains Baseball and Softball Club and the Springwood Dog Training Club.

BMCC commissioned a survey of sportsground lighting during 2005.  From this survey, a priority list of sportsgrounds was developed in order to bring sportsground lighting up to current Australian Standards. This has resulted in lighting at other sportsgrounds being upgraded. Lomatia Park is now a high priority for a sports lighting upgrade.

Lomatia Park has existing floodlights that do not meet current Australian Standards. This project is to provide lighting to AS 2560 2.3 for physical training (50 lux) and investigate the upgrade of lighting at Lomatia Park to AS2560 2.6 (Baseball and softball) for club competition and match practice.  This investigation should consider the cost of upgrade, affect on neighbouring houses and the ability of BMCC to provide the required levels of lighting within the project budget. It may be possible to install the infrastructure for the upgrade and add luminares at a later stage.




NSW Regions: Sydney

RFT Type

Open Tenders - An invitation to tender by public advertisement with no restriction placed on who may tender. Tenderers will normally be required to demonstrate in their tender that they have the necessary skills, resources, experience, financial capacity, and in some cases licences, accreditations, etc., to fulfil the tender requirements.

Additional Details / Instructions

Quote documents must be obtained and lodged at:  (“Electronic Tender Box”) by closing time.

Address for Lodgement

Conditions for Participation

The Conditions for Participation are mandatory requirements, which describe minimum standards that suppliers must meet for their submissions to be considered. If Quoters do not meet the Conditions of Participation, they will be excluded from the quote evaluation process.

The Conditions for Participation are:

·          The Quoter must be an acceptable legal entity. It is Council’s policy not to trade with any organisation that does not hold a registered ABN;

·          The Quoter and subcontractors must not be bankrupt or insolvent;

·          The Quoter shall declare and provide details of any occurrence, within 5 years prior to submitting a Quote, where the Quoter has been found guilty of breaching any Act or Regulation.

·          The Quoter must have the minimum level of insurance cover specified in this RFQ; and

All Quoters must comply with the New South Wales Government Code of Procurement.