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WSROC / Digital Signage Solution - C1/2018

RFT ID C1/2018
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 28-Nov-2017
Closes 20-Dec-2017 2:00pm
Category Liquid crystal display LCD panels or monitors
Agency Blacktown City Council

Contact Person
Joe Haddad
Phone: 02 98309701

Tender Details

This tender is for Contract No. 1 / 2018 – Digital Signage for Blacktown City Council with the method

of payment being lump sum and schedule of rates.

The digital signage encompasses LCD screens intended to replace staff static notice boards at depots

and civic centre and LED billboards that will be used for community notices at chosen locations.

Part A - The LCD screens will be first trialled for a period of up-to 12 month as a Proof of Concept

(PoC). The PoC will include 11 LCD screens located across Rooty Hill and Riverstone Works Depot.

The PoC will be by lump sum and any additional screens to be supplied at other locations will be

through a schedule of rates.

Part B - The 3 LED billboards will be supplied, installed, integrated and commissioned as a lump sum.

The suppliers will be required to provide ongoing service, parts and ongoing maintenance and support

for a period of 3 years plus 2 x 1 year options.

Council reserves the right to award Part A and Part B to a single contractor or different contractors.

This RFT seeks a suitably qualified and experienced entities for the provision of the Digital Signage,

including but not limited to:


• The PoC is for the component design, supply and installation of 11 LCD screens.

• Supplier to supply turn-key solution for 3 LED billboards and structures

• Provide a Content Delivery Management System (CDMS)

Technical Requirements:

• Refer to specifications:

o LCD digital signage specification

o Technical Specification for Digital Signage Proof of Concept

o 2017108_BCC_LED Tender Spec_Renmar RP_Rev D

All tendered lump sum prices must be inclusive of GST.

All tendered schedule of rates must be exclusive of GST.

Council reserves the right to award all or part of the contract to one (1) tenderer or several tenderers.


NSW Regions: Cumberland/Prospect

RFT Type

Open Tenders - An invitation to tender by public advertisement with no restriction placed on who may tender. Tenderers will normally be required to demonstrate in their tender that they have the necessary skills, resources, experience, financial capacity, and in some cases licences, accreditations, etc., to fulfil the tender requirements.

Address for Lodgement

Tenders must be submitted by uploading your tender electronically to the eTender box via the website,

Conditions for Participation

A conforming tender MUST comply with the following:

(a) the requirements of the Conditions of Tendering

(b) complete and submit ALL tender submission worksheets in full,

(c) include all verification documentation stated as required under each relevant submission worksheet

(d) your tender must meet all the minimum requirements for the supply of the digital signage

(e) your tender must not include any of your own conditions or provisions or alter Council’s conditions

(f) your work health and safety system must comply with the NSW WHS Act 2011 and WHS Regulation 2011

(g) wages must be paid in accordance with a federal modern award relevant to the works to be carried out under the contract, or a registered enterprise agreement that complies with the Fair Work Act 2009 that covers employees to be used for the works under this contract.

Multi Agency Access
