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WSROC / Architectural Design Services for the Proposed Upgrade of the Ruth Everuss Aquatic Centre - T2010-006

RFT ID T2010-006
RFT Type Expression of Interest for Specific Contracts
Published 17-May-2010
Closes 10-Jun-2010 2:00pm
Category Architectural engineering
Agency Auburn Council

Contact Person
Phone: 0297351224

Tender Details

Council is seeking Expressions of Interest for consultants interested in tendering for this project.  Following the assessment of the Expressions of Interest, Council will prepare a select tender list and invite selected Tenderers to lodge a full tender submission.

It is envisaged that the successful consultant will manage a team, with appropriate levels of experience for a project of this nature.  The team can comprise either in house experts or external sub-consultants or a combination of both.

The consultant team will need to cover as a minimum the following areas:

Architectural, BCA and fire regulations, Cost estimating, Accessibility, Heritage, Engineering (Structural, electrical, hydraulic and mechanical) and any other areas the consultant considers necessary for a project of this nature.

As a result of limited funding available it is proposed that this engagement will be staged with hold points at the end of each stage.  There is no guarantee that the design process will necessarily progress to the next stage or eventually reach completion.

It is also envisaged that the construction of the facility will need to be staged as a result of funding constraints. It is considered important however that the full design is developed before staging is contemplated in order to ensure that all stages of construction fit together effectively.

It is proposed that the project be delivered in the following stages:


  1. Review of current facilities, previous studies and council strategic documents.
  2. Development of a concept plan
  3. Preparation of documentation for DA submission for the whole project.
  4. Obtaining Development Consent and consent from other relevant authorities.
  5. Development of a staged construction plan based on available funding and operational priorities
  6. Preparation of final Construction drawings and specifications for each stage.
  7. Obtaining Construction Certificates for each stage.
  8. Construction of each stage based on available funding and operational priorities

It should be noted that Council approvals will be required at each stage of the project and these will need to be supported by revised cost estimates.

When Council progresses to the tender stage for design, tenders will be required to be itemised in accordance with the above project stages.

Council will, at its discretion, determine whether all stages are pursued.


NSW Regions: Sydney

RFT Type

Expression of Interest for Specific Contracts - An invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) for pre-registration of prospective tenderers for a specific work or service. Applicants are initially evaluated against published selection criteria, and those who best meet the required criteria are invited to Tender (as tender type Pre-Qualified/Invited).

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