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WSROC / Public domain furniture and bus shelters - C16/2016

RFT ID C16/2016
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 15-Nov-2016
Closes 14-Dec-2016 2:00pm
Category Outdoor furniture
Agency Blacktown City Council

Contact Person
David Harris
Phone: 0298396071

Tender Details

Work under this contract is in two (2) separable portions.

Tenderers may submit a tender for either or both separable portions.

Council will give consideration to those tenderers who tender for both portions and provide value for money and a cohesive design between the two separable portions. However, Council reserves the right to award each separable portion to different tenderers if this offers better value for money to Council.

Separable Portion A: Public domain furniture

This portion includes design, fabrication, supply and delivery to Council’s depot at Station Street Rooty Hill of a coordinated suite of high quality public domain furniture.

To achieve coordination in the public domain, Council has identified two (2) public domain area types: 

Urban Range – city and town centres and streetscapes.

Park Range – open space and recreational areas.

For the purposes of this tender, these areas have a consistent landscape setting and public purpose.

Concept designs for the following compulsory public domain furniture are required:

• Seats (backed seats and benches) (Urban Range and Park Range)

• Bins (Urban Range and Park Range)

• Bollards

• Flag Poles / banner poles (Urban Range)

• Bike Racks (Urban Range)

The tenderer may respond with additional, non-compulsory items which include:

• Drinking fountains (Urban Range)

• Park Shelters (Park Range)

• Lighting (Urban Range and Park Range)

Failure to submit concept designs for the compulsory items will result in a non-complying tender.

Quantities of Public domain furniture

The table below identifies the (approximate) current quantities of public domain furniture and future quantities expected with the growing development of the city.

This contract will be for the supply of future furniture quantities and the renewal of existing furniture only as required.



Approximate existing quantity across LGA

Approximate future quantity requirements

Seats – Urban Range (backed seats and benches)



Seats – Park Range  (backed seats and benches)



Bins – Urban Range



Bins – Park Range






Flag & Banner Poles



Bike Racks



Separable Portion B: Bus shelters

This portion includes design, fabrication, supply, installation and maintenance of high quality public advertising bus shelters.

Council will give favourable consideration for the sharing of revenue from advertising on advertising bus shelters.

The current contract for advertising bus shelters expires in August 2017.

Council is seeking the replacement of all or as many as possible of the existing advertising and non-advertising bus shelters with new advertising bus shelters or non-advertising bus shelters free of cost to Council under this new contract.

The Contractor must also provide concrete slabs and illumination for the advertising bus shelters.

If proposals involve Council in sharing advertising revenue then tenderers should specify the amount, method and timing of the payments to Council. If the revenue sharing proposal is in the form of a projection of expected advertising revenue then the tenderers should indicate a mechanism as to how they can guarantee to pay the projected amounts in the event that actual advertising revenue differs from the projections.

Quantities of bus shelters

There are 87 advertising bus shelters within Blacktown LGA currently under an agreement with a contractor. It is anticipated that future requirements could be in the order of 50 new bus shelters.

There are 302 non-advertising bus shelters owned by Council (see Appendix F).

Concept Designs for both Separable Portions

The tenderer must develop and submit concept designs of the coordinated suite of public domain furniture which is specific and synonymous with Blacktown City Council.

The concept designs must be prepared to approximately 80% design resolution and presented in a format sufficient for communicating the design ideas to relevant stakeholders. The submission should include material choices, proposed colour schemes and visualisations.

The designs should represent Blacktown City as:

• Bold

• Distinctive

• Modern

• Robust



The designs should incorporate the requirements of:

• Australian Standards, and

• Accessibility requirements and guidelines, including, but not limited to, Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport (“DSAPT”).

They should also consider:

• Environmentally responsible materials and fabrications processes

• Cost of materials and fabrication processes

• Safety

• Methods of installation


• Servicing / maintenance requirements


NSW Regions: Cumberland/Prospect

RFT Type

Open Tenders - An invitation to tender by public advertisement with no restriction placed on who may tender. Tenderers will normally be required to demonstrate in their tender that they have the necessary skills, resources, experience, financial capacity, and in some cases licences, accreditations, etc., to fulfil the tender requirements.

Address for Lodgement

You may submit your tender either: • electronically using the website, or • by hardcopy form in a sealed envelope in the tender box located on the ground floor of Blacktown City Council Civic Centre, 62 Flushcombe Road, Blacktown.

Multi Agency Access
