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Sydney Growth Trains (SGT) - Delivery Deed (ISD-16-5312A), TLS Deed (ISD-16-5312B) and Medium Works Contract - Design and Construction of Maintenance Facility Works (ISD-16-5312C) - ISD-16-5312

Contract Award Notice ID ISD-16-5312
Publish Date 27-Feb-2017
Category Railway and tramway cars
Agency Transport for NSW
Particulars of the goods or services to be provided under this contract

Transport for NSW has entered into three related contracts for the contractor to:

ISD-16-5312A - Supply and deliver 24 eight-car, modern suburban trains (Sets);

ISD-16-5312B - Undertake maintenance and provide Through Life Support to the Sets and other related assets; and

ISD-16-5312C - Design and construct for upgrades to a Maintenance Facility to enable maintenance and Through Life Support to the Sets and other related assets.

Amended due to Variations to date.

Contract Duration 1-Dec-2016 to 25-Jan-2044

Contract Award Notice Details

Contractor Name Downer EDI Rail Pty Limited
ACN 000002031
ABN 92 000 002 031
Is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander owned business No
Street Address Triniti Business Campus 39 Delhi Road
Town/City North Ryde
State/Territory NSW
Postcode 2113

Other private sector entities involved in, with an interest in or benefiting from this contract

Not Applicable

Estimated amount payable to the contractor (including GST)

$1,700,000,000.00 (Goods or services supplied)

Amended estimated amount payable to the contractor (including GST)

$2,947,944,893.00 (Goods or services supplied)

Any provisions for payment to the contractor for operational or maintenance services

ISD-16-5312B Through Life Support (TLS) Deed is a contract for maintenance services.

Method of Tendering


Description of any provision under which the amount payable to the contractor may be varied

Delivery Deed

Clause 21  TfNSW initiated Variations

Clause 22  Supplier initiated Variations

Clause 19.9  Moneys owing and Set Off

Clause 20  Option Sets

Through Life Support Deed

Clause 20.3  Performance Regime

Clause 22  Payment Terms

Clause 23  Option Sets

Clause 24  TfNSW initiated Variations

Clause 25  Supplier initiated Variations

Schedule 26  Delivery deed options

Maintenance Facility Deed

Clause 6 Variations

Clause 11. Payment

Description of any provisions under which the contract may be renegotiated

There are no express provisions under which the contracts may be renegotiated, however the deeds include the following clauses:

Delivery Deed

Clause 46.4  The deed may only be varied by a deed executed by or on behalf of both parties.

TLS Deed

Clause 51.4  The deed may only be varied by a deed executed by or on behalf of both parties.

Maintenance Facility Deed

Clause 17.16  The contract may only be varied by a document signed by or on behalf of the Principal and the Contractor.

Summary of the criteria against which the various tenders were assessed

Evaluation Criteria Weighting

1. Train Solution

The extent to which the Proponent's Proposal and proposed train solution is acceptable to Transport for NSW (TfNSW).

2. Delivery Solution

The extent to which the Proponent's approach to the delivery of the Sets demonstrates certainty of achieving TfNSW's requirements.

3. Maintenance Facility

The extent to which the Proponent's solution for the Maintenance Facility upgrade is acceptable to TfNSW.

4. Through Life Support Solution

The extent to which the Proponent's solution for Through Life Support is acceptable to TfNSW.

5. Safety, Environmental and Sustainability Management

The extent to which the Proponent's solution demonstrates a commitment to work health and safety, sustainability and environmental outcomes and certainty of achieving Rail Safety Accredition.

6. Recent performance on Comparable Contracts

Evidence of the Proponent's ability to work effectively with Government and/or comparable major clients.

7. Commercial Acceptability to TfNSW

The extent to which the Proponent accepts TfNSW's risk profile and proposed terms and condidtions.

8. Comparative Cost

The Proponent's whole of life comparative cost, taking into account quantifable relative differences in technical solution, commercial risks and impacts to TfNSW.

Other Considerations

In evaluating a Proposal TfNSW may take into account any other matters, including:

(a)  any matters which are identified by the Request For Proposal as being a matter for consideration;

(b)  contractor performance reports generated under the NSW Government Guidelines for "Contractor Performance Reporting and Exchange of Reports between Government Agencies" dated 1 December 2004;

(c)  referee or other checks of personnel proposed for the Project;

(d)  the information provided by the Proponent in response to the RFI;

(e)  changes since the RFI;

(f)  any responses provided by the Proponent to requests for clarification sought by TfNSW in accordance with section 4.3.6 of the RFP Volume 1;

(g)  meetings/workshops, if any, undertaken in accordance with section 4.3.2 of RFP Volume 1;

(h)  the information provided in the Proposal;

(i)  financial assessments; and

(j)  any other information that TfNSW considers relevant. 

Contract Contains Agency 'PiggyBack' Clause


Industrial Relations Details for this Contract
Name of Sub-contractors (incl. ABN & ACN)

Refer to significant contractors contained in the Delivery Deed Schedule 5.

Applicable Industrial Instruments

Not Applicable

Location of Work


NSW Industrial Relations inspectors routinely audit the employment records of contractors and sub-contractors to all NSW Government contracts. The results of these inspections are published on the NSW Industrial Relations website.

Agency Contact Attention: Project Information Officer, Infrastructure and Place, TfNSW

State/Territory NSW


Other Information

The amended amount includes options and variations to date. The option set notice was for the production of a further 17 sets. 

The disclosed contract value represents the contract price plus an additional 10% for GST.  This value may be overstated if GST does not apply to all parts of the contract.

Particulars of future transfers of assets to the State, at zero or nominal cost to the State, including the date of their transfer

Not Applicable

Particulars of future transfers of assets to the contractor including the date of their transfer

Not Applicable

The results of any cost-benefit analysis of the contract conducted by the agency

Commercial-in-confidence; Cabinet information.

The components and quantum of the public sector comparator if used

Not Applicable

If relevant, a summary of information used in the contractor's full base case financial model (for example, the pricing formula for tolls or usage charges)


If relevant, particulars of how risk, during the construction and operational phases of a contract to undertake a specific project (such as construction, infrastructure or property development), is to be apportioned between the parties, quantified (where practicable) in net present-value terms and specifying the major assumptions involved


Particulars as to any significant guarantees or undertakings between the parties, including any guarantees or undertakings with respect to loan agreements entered into or proposed to be entered into

Parent company guarantee has been received.  There are no loan agreements.

Particulars of any other key elements of the contract

Not Applicable

A web site address which provides direct access to the complete contract less confidential information
Has the contract or any provisions within it been withheld from this disclosure under the exemptions provisions of the GIPA Act Section 32? (YES or NO)
If yes to the above, what are the reasons why the contract, or provisions therein, have not been provided?

Section 32(1)(a) - commercial in confidence provisions of a contract

Section 32(1)(d) - overriding public interest against disclosure (Table to section 14 - 3(a) Personal information; 4 Business interests of agencies and other persons)

If yes to the above, is it intended that the contract or those provisions be published at a later date, and if so, when?

It is not intended to publish commercial-in-confidence information at a later date.

If yes to the above, when some but not all provisions of the contract have been published, a general description of the types of provisions that have not been provided

Confidential information, including information identified in the deeds as Commercially Sensitive Information and other information for which there is an overriding public interest against disclosure.  This includes:

  • detailed price information;
  • signature images;
  • confidential technical details of the Supplier's technology;
  • key performance indicator payment details;
  • price structure for option sets;
  • warranty duration;
  • Train Solution of the Supplier's proposal; and
  • Through Life Support Solution of the Supplier's proposal.