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More Trains, More Services Stage 3A (MTMS3A) – Power & Signalling Upgrades (T4 Line) - IPD-19-8198-007

Contract Award Notice ID IPD-19-8198-007
Publish Date 9-May-2023
Category Infrastructure
Agency Transport for NSW (Legacy Transport Infrastructure Projects)
Particulars of the goods or services to be provided under this contract

The Incentivised Delivery Entity (IDE) will deliver power and signalling upgrades for the T4 line as part of More Trains, More Services Stage 3A (MTMS3A).

 The scope of works focuses on signalling and enhanced power capacity on the T4 line and maintenance and stabling improvements to support the deployment of additional fleet and enable the integration of Sydney Metro City & South West.

The Target Outturn Cost (TOC) has since been adjusted due to cost impacts relating to:

  • Signalling Functional Specification (SFS) development
  • preliminary construction and commissioning methodology.
Contract Duration 29-Jun-2022 to 24-Mar-2025

Contract Award Notice Details

Contractor Name Next Rail (John Holland Pty Ltd and Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Ltd)
ACN 816086982
ABN 87 816 086 982
Is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander owned business No
Street Address Level 5, 380 St Kilda Road
Town/City Melbourne
State/Territory VIC
Postcode 3004

Related RFT ID

Other private sector entities involved in, with an interest in or benefiting from this contract

John Holland Pty Ltd ACN 004 282 268

Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Ltd ACN 001024095

Estimated amount payable to the contractor (including GST)

$78,873,727.90 (A project to be undertaken)

Amended estimated amount payable to the contractor (including GST)

$79,452,508.30 (A project to be undertaken)

Any provisions for payment to the contractor for operational or maintenance services

Not Applicable

Method of Tendering


Description of any provision under which the amount payable to the contractor may be varied

TfNSW Incentivised Delivery Agreement (IDA):

• Clause 20.3–20.7 Target Adjustment Events

• Clause 21.8 Set-off, withholding and reduction

• Clause 27 Termination or step in

• Schedule 7 Compensation Framework — ‘Reimbursable Costs’, ‘Fee’ & ‘Gainshare/Painshare Regimes’

Description of any provisions under which the contract may be renegotiated

Not Applicable

Summary of the criteria against which the various tenders were assessed

Evaluation Criteria Weighting
  1. Demonstrated experience, performance, suitability and resourcing of nominated team.
  2. Demonstrated understanding of the key challenges and risks, effective methodologies to deliver the Works
  3. Fee
Contract Contains Agency 'PiggyBack' Clause


Industrial Relations Details for this Contract
Name of Sub-contractors (incl. ABN & ACN)

Not Applicable

Applicable Industrial Instruments

Not Applicable

Location of Work

Not Applicable

NSW Industrial Relations inspectors routinely audit the employment records of contractors and sub-contractors to all NSW Government contracts. The results of these inspections are published on the NSW Industrial Relations website.

Agency Contact Attn: Project Information Officer, Infrastructure and Place, TfNSW

State/Territory NSW


Other Information

This package of works has been issued to the IDE as an Additional Project under Incentivised Delivery Agreement (IDA) IPD-19-8198*.

Project Proposal Phase

The IDE was instructed to begin Project Definition Services (PDS) for this project pursuant to Clause 11.1(a)(ii) of the IDA.

Early Execution Works Phase **

Early Execution Works (EEW) were issued to the IDE pursuant to Clause 13 of the IDA with an Expenditure Limit of $11,000,000 (excl. GST).

Project Execution Phase

The Project Proposal was accepted in accordance with Clause 12 of the IDA. The Target Outturn Cost (TOC) of $71,703,389 (excl. GST) for this project is inclusive of EEW.

Target Adjustment Events

The TOC has been adjusted as follows:

Target Adjustment Event 01: an additional $325,800.00 (excl. GST)

Target Adjustment Event 02: an additional $200,364.00 (excl. GST)

*IPD-19-8198 was awarded following a multi-stage tender process and has been disclosed separately under the Contract Award Notice for IPD-19-8198.

** The Early Execution Works for this project were previously disclosed under Contract Award Notice (CAN) ID IPD-19-8198-003, however, the contract reference number for these works has been re-numbered as IPD-19-8198-007;  and this CAN has been published for transparency. 

The disclosed value represents the cumulative expenditure limit for all engagements plus an additional 10% for GST. This value may be overstated if GST does not apply to [all parts of] the contract.