Tender Details
With the opportunities offered by the new Western Sydney International Airport and Bradfield City Centre, advanced industries in Western Sydney are growing rapidly. A skilled and experienced workforce will be needed support these growing industries to thrive.
The Western Parkland City Authority (WPCA) successfully completed a NSW Government funded industry micro-credential pilot, the New Education and Training Model (NETM), in late 2023. The program funded the development and delivery of over 40 courses, with more than 1,400 learners primarily employed by more than 500 manufacturing related businesses across Western Sydney enrolled. The pilot was incredibly successful, with very high levels of satisfaction and evidence of skills and productivity uplift.
In March 2024, the program transitioned to a commercial model as the Industry Skills Accelerator (ISA). The WPCA has now opened a Request for Proposals (RFP) process to seek interest from prospective investors and/or operators to expand the Industry Skills Accelerator program.
States and Territories: ACT, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
RFT Type
Additional Details / Instructions
The Suppliers response must be lodged by the closing date and time. WPCA may, in its discretion, extend closing Date and Time. WPCA may consider late responses where WPCA is satisfied that the integrity and competitiveness of the RFP Process has not been compromised. WPCA shall not penalise any panellist whose response is received Late if the delay is due solely to mishandling by WPCA.
A market briefing will be held for prospective Respondents to raise any questions about the process, commercial model, and other issues.
The market briefing will be held at 2PM on Thursday 23 May 2024 via Microsoft Teams. The market briefing will be optional for Respondents to attend.
To provide further details on the opportunity – please email industryskillsaccelerator@wpca.sydney to register your attendance.
Address for Lodgement
Covered Procurement Details
- The Procurement (Enforceable Procurement Provisions) Direction 2019 applies to this procurement
- A government agency may conduct negotiations with suppliers regarding the procurement
Conditions for Participation
All respondents must comply with the NSW Government Procurement Policy Framework (NSW Framework), NSW Government Supplier Code of Conduct (NSW Code).
Copies of the NSW Framework and NSW Code are available at https://buy.nsw.gov.au