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Design of Awaba Waste Management Facility - Expansion 2 - LMC Q03490

RFT Type Pre-Qualified / Invited
Published 13-Jul-2023
Closes 24-Aug-2023 2:00pm
Category Construction consultants
Agency Lake Macquarie City Council

Agency Address
Lake Macquarie City Council
126-138 Main Road
Speers Point, NSW 2284

Contact Person
Sasha Buckley - contact officer
Phone: 02 4921 0077

Tender Details

About the City of Lake Macquarie:

Lake Macquarie is the Hunter Region's largest city, accounting for 38% of the Lower Hunter population. With the city's current population fast approaching 205,000 Lake Macquarie is also the third largest regional city in New South Wales by population. Moreover, the city's population is expected to grow by 28,000 by 2036, creating a demand for 13,500 new dwellings and associated infrastructure.

About the Request for Quotation:

Lake Macquarie City Council (the Principal) owns and operates a putrescible landfill known as the Awaba Waste Management Facility (AWMF) located at 367 Wilton Road Awaba NSW 2283, which is the major receiving site for the City’s waste.

The AWMF was nearing capacity and in 2013 the Planning Assessment Commission approved the first expansion. The approval triggered a project to design and construct expansion Stage 1 and was completed in 2020. Due to the continuing growth of the city and ongoing site management issues, Council is planning a second expansion of the facility.

Council is requesting quotations under Buy NSW scheme SCM1191 Consultants in Construction up to $9M from suitably qualified and experienced consultants to review and undertake the necessary investigations and design of two new piggy back cells (3 and 4) along with addressing other onsite management system issues associated with leachate management.

A more detailed description of the proposed Works is included in the RFQ package.


NSW Regions: Hunter

RFT Type

Pre-Qualified / Invited - Only those directly invited to tender, may obtain an RFT for the purpose of lodging a tender response. Generally an invitation from a pre-qualified register of approved tenderers who have the ability to undertake the particular work or type of work proposed, a limited number of service providers are known to carry out the work or service (or in emergency or other restricted situations). Tenderers have usually been pre-qualified, accredited, or selected for the type of work and financial range. Competitive bids called from a standing offer (panel / period) contracts would also use this type.

Related Web Site Address

Additional Details / Instructions

Respondents must be qualified under BuyNSW Scheme SCM1191 Consultants in Construction up to $9M to be eligible for this RFQ opportunity.

Address for Lodgement

Hardcopies will not be accepted All responses must be lodged through the NSW e-Quote site

Conditions for Participation

Respondents must be qualified under BuyNSW Scheme SCM1191 Consultants in Construction up to $9M 

Multi Agency Access
