Tender Details
This pre-recorded industry briefing provides details of the planned Transport for NSW procurement process for 10 Greater Sydney and 2 Regional and Outer Metropolitan Bus Contracts.
RFT Type
This tender opportunity is not expected to lead to the award of a contract, or the award details will be advertised elsewhere. Please telephone or email the contact officer for details
Related Records
Additional Details / Instructions
A Passphrase is required to access this briefing. If you do not have the Passphrase please contact TfNSW at:
Please note that this briefing is being provided for the benefit of the bus industry, TfNSW reserves the right not to provide access to parties who it considered do not have a genuine interest.
TfNSW 2021 013-014-015
Ahead of the tender releases for the three Greater Sydney procurement tranches, Transport for NSW is now granting access to Virtual Data Rooms for prospective tenderers for Sydney bus contract regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15.
The material contained within each of the Data Rooms is designed to assist tenderers in conducting their due diligence for the contracts ahead of the tenders being released in 2022. Please note that not all information will be immediately available in the Data Rooms prior to release of the respective RFTs.
The Data Rooms will also be used to facilitate and manage responses to any queries or requests from prospective tenderers. Once access to the Data room has been provided, all requests for information or advice regarding the tender must be in writing to the Contact Officer via the Data Rooms.
To access the Data Rooms for any of the Greater Sydney Bus Contract tenders, potential tenderers will need to:
• Download the Tenderer Organisation Confidentiality Deed Poll, Representative Confidentiality Deed Poll and Data Room Protocol below;
• Sign and return a Tenderer Organisation Confidentiality Deed Poll;
• Nominate at least one individual (being an employee, officer, agent, adviser or consultant of the Tenderer Organisation) who must also sign and return a Representative Confidentiality Deed Poll and confirm the email address that he/she will be using to access the Data Room; and
• Provide a statement confirming that the tenderer organisation intends to participate as a tenderer for one or more bus service contracts which also:
- Provides sufficient information, including its experience in operating public transport services, to enable Transport for NSW to establish that it is a bona fide tenderer;
- provides details of any joint venture or consortium and nominates the lead organisation;
- acknowledges that related companies, consultants, contractors, financiers and advisors must access information through the tenderer organisation;
- confirms the names and emails of Bidder Main Contacts (up to 2 individuals to oversee the Q&A process for their bid team) as required in the Data Room Protocol; and
- confirms which contract regions it requires access for.
Signed Confidentiality Deed Polls and information required above must be returned to Transport for NSW at bustendering@transport.nsw.gov.au
Transport for NSW reserves the right to provide access to the Data Rooms to bona fide tenderers only as determined by Transport for NSW.
Once a user has been verified as a bona fide tenderer, they will receive a username and password as soon as practicable.