Tender Details
Wingecarribee Shire Council is seeking Quotations from appropriately qualified and experienced Contractors to supply and install a new Irrigation Central Control System at various sites within the Wingecarribee Shire Council.
A more detailed brief of the extent of services required by Council is set out in Volume 1 - Specification that has been included as part of the Request for Quotation documentation.
Council invites quotations in accordance with this Invitation and the following accompanying documents:
Volume 1- Specification
Volume 1a Technical Specification
Volume 2 - Response Schedules, and
Volume 3 - Contract (“proposed contract”)
- Any published Addenda
RFT Type
Related Web Site Address
Address for Lodgement
Conditions for Participation
Evaluation Criteria
The information required by the respondent in this document will be used to assess Respondents in accordance pre-established Mandatory Participation Criteria, Non-Cost Criteria, and Cost Criteria.
Mandatory Participation Criteria will be assessed on a Yes/No basis and MUST be met by the Respondent. If a response fails to fully comply with any of the outlined mandatory criteria, may be deemed by Council to be non-conforming and therefore not be eligible to be shortlisted and progress any further in the evaluation.
Non-Cost and cost criteria will be assessed as weighted criterial by the Evaluation Panel for determining an overall value for money assessment from the Respondents submission. Failure to fully comply with non-cost and cost weighted criteria may reduce the Tenderer’s overall score but will not result in the exclusion of the Tender Response from further consideration.
For further information, please see Conditions of Responding - Council Quotations