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Automatic Train Protection Program - AMS Trackside Site Survey and Concept Design - TPD-15-4343

RFT ID TPD-15-4343
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 8-Jan-2016
Closes 4-Mar-2016 2:00pm
Category Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services
Agency Transport for NSW (Legacy Transport Infrastructure Projects)

Contact Person
Scott Beveridge
Phone: 02 9422 0563

Tender Details

TfNSW is seeking tenders from experienced and suitably qualified organisations to undertake trackside signalling site surveys and concept design for the Advanced train control Migration System (AMS) program. The site surveys are to capture the information required to develop the concept designs and Review of Environmental Factors (REFs), to provide information on the condition of the existing trackside infrastructure and its capacity to support installation of the AMS trackside equipment.


NSW Regions: Cumberland/Prospect, Nepean, Northern Sydney, Inner West, South East Sydney, South West Sydney

RFT Type

Open Tenders - An invitation to tender by public advertisement with no restriction placed on who may tender. Tenderers will normally be required to demonstrate in their tender that they have the necessary skills, resources, experience, financial capacity, and in some cases licences, accreditations, etc., to fulfil the tender requirements.

This tender opportunity is not expected to lead to the award of a contract, or the award details will be advertised elsewhere. Please telephone or email the contact officer for details

Address for Lodgement

Electronic lodgement only - no password protection. Questions must be submitted in writing to the email address supplied. Tenderers are to submit their tender responses as two (2) separate files only. The first is to consist of the completed "Non-Commercial Schedules" and is to exclude any reference to pricing. The second file is to consist of the completed "Commercial Schedules".

Conditions for Participation


Minimum Requirement 1

(A) Evidence that the Tenderer has a Work Health and Safety Management System that meets the requirements of the NSW Government Work Health and Safety Management Systems and Auditing Guidelines and has been accredited as being in-accordance with the NSW Government Work Health and Safety Management Systems and Auditing Guidelines.

(B) Evidence that the Tenderer has a Quality Management System that:

 - Has been certified by an appropriately recognised third party as complying  with ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems;

 - Meets the requirements of and the accreditation criteria defined by the NSW Government Quality Management System Guidelines; and

 Has been accredited as being in accordance with the NSW Government Quality Management System Guidelines.

 Minimum Requirement 2

(A) Evidence that at least one member in each of the Tenderer’s site assessment teams has gained a Permit to Work in accordance with ASA standard TMG A1419

Authority to Work on RailCorp Signalling Infrastructure – Permit to Work, within the last 18 months and is currently listed on the Sydney Trains signalling authorisation register RGS41415 as a Signal Engineer;

(B) Evidence that the Tenderer’s nominated Signalling Commissioning Engineer is currently listed on the Sydney Trains signalling authorisation register RGS41415 as a Signal Engineer;

(C) Evidence that at least one member in each of the Tenderer’s site assessment teams maintains Worksite Protection Personnel Level 2 accreditation and has undertaken worksite protection services on the Sydney suburban rail network for a period of at least 3 months within the last 3 years;

Minimum Requirement 3

Evidence that the Tenderer or Tenderer’s Team has successfully undertaken a Condition site survey (visual inspection and assessment of existing conditions) for a rail infrastructure project in the last 10 years on the Sydney Trains network;

Minimum Requirement 4

Evidence that the tenderer or the tenderers team has successfully managed design on a signalling and/or multidiscipline rail infrastructure project valued at over AUD $10,000,000 in the last 5 years involving the following technical disciplines: Signalling design and signalling related design including civil construction, HV & LV electrical supplies, earthing, bonding and electrolysis.

Minimum Requirement 5

(A) Evidence that the Tenderer or the Tenderer’s Team has successfully undertaken the project management and preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in the last five years for a transport infrastructure project in NSW valued at over AUD$10 million. The EIA must have been prepared and approved under Part 5.1 (or former Part 3A), or Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

(B) Evidence that the proposed Planning Approvals Contractor has a minimum of 5 years’ experience in the preparation and delivery of Environmental Impact Assessments for transport Infrastructure projects  under approved under Part 5.1 (or former Part 3A), or Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979

Minimum Requirement 6

Evidence that the Tenderer or Tenderer’s Team has successfully delivered signalling design on a multi-disciplinary rail infrastructure project and the signalling design engagement was valued at over AUD$1,000,000.

Minimum Requirement 7

Evidence that the Tenderer is an Authorised Engineering Organisation (AEO) or is capable of obtaining Provisional AEO status from ASA through the tender assessment process within the required timescale.

Minimum Requirement 8

The Tenderer attended the mandatory site visit and tender brief.


If the Tenderer meets the Minimum Requirements, then Tenderer is required to complete and return the Confidentiality Deed Poll. Upon receipt of a completed Confidentiality Deed Poll, TfNSW will issue the Invitation to Tender documents.

Multi Agency Access
