Tender Details
As Australia’s largest water utility, we have an obligation to improve the lives of our customers, communities and environment. We are working towards ensuring that no one is exploited in the provision of goods and services to or on behalf of Sydney Water; that we operate as a sustainable business; and continue to work with of our First Nations peoples to protect water and land; and to address inequalities.
From a procurement perspective this means:
•Eliminating the risk of Modern Slavery in our supply chain
•Becoming a Supply Nation member to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander supplier diversity
•Not harming the environment by sourcing recycled, reused or sustainable goods and services
We want to do business with people who share our values. When submitting your tender application please provide an overview of your enterprise’s Corporate Social Responsibility efforts.
The purpose of Procurement at Sydney Water is to get the goods, services and facilities it needs, when it needs them and for the right cost. Procurement is a key enabler and contributor to the success of our strategic objectives and fulfilling our vision to create a better life through world-class water services. As our customers reply on us for reliable, high quality services at affordable prices, we partner with an extensive range of suppliers to help us create thriving, liveable and sustainable cities. It’s crucial that we undertake procurement activities ethically and equitably to ensure that the best commercial outcomes are achieved in line with our organisational values and statutory obligations.
RFT Type
Additional Details / Instructions
Sydney Water conducts sourcing activities via SAP Ariba (the Sydney Water Ariba System) which is a third-party digital platform for sourcing and supplier management. To participate in Sydney Water’s sourcing events, interested organisations must complete the supplier self-registration request on the Sydney Water Ariba System via this link: https://www.sydneywater.com.au/about-us/our-suppliers/supplier-registration.html.
Completing registration does not immediately grant an organisation access to the Sydney Water Ariba System and the expression of interest documents.
To participate in the procurement of the EPCM for Upper South Creek Networks Program and receive the expression of interest documents, all interested organisations are required to:
(a) complete the supplier self-registration request on the Sydney Water Ariba System;
(b) complete and return a correctly executed Confidentiality Deed Poll (CDP); and
(c) provide the contact details (including name, position, organisation, contact number and email address) of a primary contact person and an alternative contact person.
Organisations that have already self-registered on the Sydney Water Ariba System will only be required to complete Item (b) and Item (c) above.
Should an organisation anticipate partnering, as a joint venture, partnership or the like, with other organisations in the procurement process of this Project, each organisation will be required to complete Item (b) above and provide information as requested in Item (c) above for the joint venture or partnership.
Interested organisations must submit the executed CDP and contact details to Sydney Water at lndustry.Engagement@sydneywater.com.au. Interested organisations should also notify Sydney Water that it has self-registered as a supplier on the Sydney Water Ariba System.
Sydney Water will not accept registrations after 12:00pm AEDT on Friday, 6 October 2023. Sydney Water may determine, in its absolute discretion, that it is appropriate to consider a late registration request.
Sydney Water anticipates releasing the expression of interest documents to organisations that have successfully registered in this registration process, via the Sydney Water Ariba System, on / after Friday 6 October 2023.