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Bourke Flexible Transport - WS4094837464

RFT ID WS4094837464
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 19-Jul-2023
Closes 16-Aug-2023 12:00pm
Category Transportation
Agency Transport NSW - Corporate

Contact Person
Jessie Yu
Phone: 0411 629 430

Tender Details

The overarching objective is to provide an efficient flexible transport service in Bourke and North Bourke that meets the needs of the community to enable access to essential services within the community and to connect with most NSW TrainLink services to Dubbo.


Refer to Additional Details / Instructions

RFT Type

Open Tenders - An invitation to tender by public advertisement with no restriction placed on who may tender. Tenderers will normally be required to demonstrate in their tender that they have the necessary skills, resources, experience, financial capacity, and in some cases licences, accreditations, etc., to fulfil the tender requirements.

Additional Details / Instructions

a) Access to the Request for Proposal (RFP) documents:

In order to gain access to the Request for Tender documents, Tenderers are required to register their interest by sending an email: and include the following:

1) Tender No and Title, 2) RFP ID, 3) Organisation Name, 4) ACN/ABN, 5)Contact Name, 6) Organisation/contact postal address, 7) Contact email address (preferably an email address with the contact person's name), 8)  Contact phone number, 9) Completed and signed Confidentiality Deed Poll.

Please note: The Confidenitality Deed Poll document is provided in the RFT Preview Document(s) section. 

To gain access to the tender documents in Ariba over the internet once

access is provided, please ensure that you are using PC with web browser:

  • Google Chrome 54+ (64 –bit)
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7-11(32-bit)
  • Mozilla Firefox 24 or 27(ESR)
  • Safari 9+ (64-bit)
  • Microsoft Edge (32-bit)

b) Location of the work: 

  • Bourke (NSW)

c) Tender briefing

A briefing will be provided on 26 July 2023 at 12:00pm on MS Teams. Attendance at the briefing is optional. 

If you wish to attend the briefing session, please send your request to Jessie Yu ( before 5pm 24 July 2023 to receive the meeting link.

Conditions for Participation

1 - Proponents must be an accredited bus operator in NSW in accordance with the Passenger Transport Act 2014 (NSW) or obtain such accreditation prior to the commencement date.

2 - Proponents must agree to hold the relevant levels of insurance as specified:

  • Public Liability Insurance: $20M per incident
  • Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance: $20M per incident
  • Workers Compensation: As per common law or statutory liability
  • Property Damage: Adequate for all Contract Buses and Contract Depots
  • TfNSW Liability Cap (Operator’s must accept): 1 times the Annual Contract Price for Year 1

Multi Agency Access
