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Transport for NSW Opal Ticketing Retail Solution – Invitation for Market Sounding - TfNSW-003

RFT Type Invitation To Respond
Published 26-Jun-2024
Closes 22-Jul-2024 2:00pm
Covered Procurement Yes
Category Information and technology
Agency Transport NSW - Corporate

Contact Person
Kashif Shabih – Procurement Manager ONG
Phone: ------------

Tender Details

Transport for NSW (TfNSW) seeks to engage with industry to inform and shape its strategy for the Opal Ticketing Retail Solution for the NSW transport network.

This Invitation for Market Sounding (Invitation) sets out the process by which TfNSW seeks to engage with and collect information and opinions from industry. This Invitation and the responses provided by parties within the industry (as Participants) may inform TfNSW’s strategy development for the Opal ticketing Retail Solution for the NSW transport network.

TfNSW currently operates the Opal ticketing system in the Greater Sydney area. A key aspect of the Opal solution is that customers may acquire and add value to their Opal card in order to pay to travel on the public transport network.

The retail network channel serves a critical function for our passengers, being heavily relied upon for Opal card acquisition and top ups. Retailers provide one of only 2 ticketing channels which accept cash (individual store dependent) for those who prefer this payment method. It also offers customers the ability to travel anonymously, as non-concession cards can be acquired via the retail network without registration.

The retail network currently consists of around 1400 individual businesses across NSW, within the Greater Sydney area and surrounds. The retail network currently enables customers to acquire new Opal cards (Adult or Child/Youth) and to top up new or existing Opal cards. Under the current solution, the top up amount is stored directly on the Opal cards.

TfNSW plans to transition the current Opal card solution to an Account Based Ticketing (ABT) solution as part of the Opal Next Generation (ONG) program. The move to an Account Based Ticketing solution will result in a change that will move the balance from the Opal card to the ABT Back Office in a Fare Media Account.

In the future state, the new Retail Solution must be integrated with and concurrently online with the ABT Back Office, in order to send and receive transactional and other information.

Given the geographical spread of TfNSW's transport network and changing market conditions, insights are being sought from Participants relating to a range of areas for the Opal Retail Ticketing Solution, including:

- current and future technology and card inventory solutions available in the market

- ability for the market to develop, enhance, manage and maintain a retail solution

- ability for the market to deliver and operate a new large-scale retail solution


NSW Regions: Far North Coast, Mid North Coast, New England, Central Coast, Hunter, Cumberland/Prospect, Nepean, Northern Sydney, Inner West, South East Sydney, South West Sydney, Central West, Orana/Far West, Riverina/Murray, Illawarra, Southern Highlands

RFT Type

Invitation To Respond - This is not a tender. The system is being used for invitation for public response to information published on, or accessible through, this website. Examples would include EIS, discussion papers, requests for information, registrations for position appointments, etc.

This tender opportunity is not expected to lead to the award of a contract, or the award details will be advertised elsewhere. Please telephone or email the contact officer for details

Additional Details / Instructions

How to Participate in the Market Sounding Process

TfNSW invites companies experienced and skilled in the development of retail solutions to register for the Market Sounding Process by submitting a signed Confidentiality Deed Poll (in the form provided at Attachment 1 of this Invitation) via email to

Upon receipt of a duly executed Confidentiality Deed Poll in accordance with this Invitation, TfNSW will separately provide Invitation Attachment 2 (TfNSW – Opal Ticketing Retail Solution Information Document) and Invitation Attachment 3 (Questionnaire).

Submitting your Written Feedback

TfNSW views this Market Sounding Process as an opportunity for parties within the industry to contribute information based on their knowledge and experience.

TfNSW encourages participation, acknowledging that participation is completely voluntary. Participants may choose to answer all or some of the questions provided at Attachment 3 (Questionnaire) of this Invitation.

This Market Sounding Process is independent from any subsequent procurement process(es) and participation or otherwise will have no bearing on any future procurement processes.

Responses to the questionnaire are to be submitted electronically via email, in Microsoft Word format, up until 14:00 (AEST) on Monday, 22 July 2024, to: Email:

Covered Procurement Details

  • The Procurement (Enforceable Procurement Provisions) Direction 2019 applies to this procurement
  • A government agency may conduct negotiations with suppliers regarding the procurement

Multi Agency Access
