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Market Sounding Country Regional Network (CRN) - TfNSW 2019/008

RFT ID TfNSW 2019/008
RFT Type Notice
Published 27-May-2019
Closes 31-May-2019 5:00pm
Category Infrastructure maintenance and repair services
Agency Transport for NSW

Contact Person
Lucio Favotto
Phone: 02 4907 7521

Tender Details


The Country Regional Network (CRN) O&M Deed is due to expire on 30 June 2021. TfNSW is gathering information and seeking input regarding a potential new O&M Contract from industry, to provide a high quality and efficient service to regional passengers and freight customers. 

The NSW Government will conduct a Market Sounding Exercise consisting of a TfNSW-led discussion with respondents to gather information to inform TfNSW prior to initiating a formal procurement process. 

TfNSW is seeking input from parties who have relevant experience, knowledge or who may be interested in participating in delivering operation and maintenance of the CRN and wish to partake in the market sounding exercise. 

The purpose of the market sounding process will be to gather information to inform a process that provides good customer service, delivers an industry best practice contracting model, encourages competition, maximises value for money and ensures network sustainability. 

The market sounding will assist TfNSW to assess the best in market delivery model and contracting strategy for the CRN. The market sounding process is not part of the procurement process and is not a request for a proposal to deliver services of any kind. No respondents will be included or excluded from participation in the RFP process as a consequence of taking part in the market sounding. 

Information provided or discussed during market sounding will not in any way be taken into account or impact any future response evaluation or contract award decision. 

TfNSW will hold face to face interviews with some or all market sounding participants at its discretion in its Newcastle and Sydney Office. To successfully register to participate in the market sounding, an entity must:

a) be, in TfNSW's opinion, a bona fide contractor, consortium or service provider who can demonstrate their  capability and experience to deliver the Operations and Maintenance on sizable network ; and

b) complete and submit the Proponents Registration Form and the supplier confidentiality deed poll 


NSW Regions: Far North Coast, Mid North Coast, New England, Central Coast, Hunter, Cumberland/Prospect, Nepean, Northern Sydney, Inner West, South East Sydney, South West Sydney, Central West, Orana/Far West, Riverina/Murray, Illawarra, Southern Highlands
States and Territories: ACT, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA

RFT Type

Notice - A notice published on this website that relates to procurement or other relevant matters. It does not normally require any formal response. This is not a tender.

Additional Details / Instructions

Proponents are required to register their interest by sending an email:

  and include the following: 

  1. Proponents Registration Form
  2. Supplier Confidentiality Deed Poll

TfNSW will issue the market sounding questions as part of this process. Written responses are required by 17/6/19. 

Multi Agency Access
