Tender Details
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) is seeking a professional, experienced and highly qualified bus operator to operate bus services, including depot and fleet operation and maintenance under its Greater Sydney Bus Contract 9 (GSBC9).
GSBC9 Services operate through Sydney’s CBD, extending to the eastern beaches, south to La Perouse and includes services in the regional centres of Darlinghurst, Kings Cross, Randwick, Redfern, Waverley, Bondi, Coogee, Mascot and the harbourside suburbs of Elizabeth Bay, Double Bay and Vaucluse.
RFT Type
Related Web Site Address
Additional Details / Instructions
Access to the Request for Tender documents will be made available to bona fide tenderers that have registered and been provided access to the Data Room for TfNSW Greater Sydney Bus Contract 9. Please refer to
Address for Lodgement
Conditions for Participation
Access to the RFT Documents will be provided to bona fide Tenderers that have complied with the registration requirements for the Greater Sydney Bus Contracts Data Rooms.