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Request for Development Bids Central Barangaroo - RFT-10002751

RFT ID RFT-10002751
RFT Type Open Tenders
Published 2-Dec-2015
Closes 29-Feb-2016 2:00pm
Category Development
Agency Barangaroo Delivery Authority

Contact Person
Peter Funder
Phone: +612 9255 1726
Mobile: +61 437 689 915

Tender Details

The Barangaroo Delivery Authority is seeking bids from developers for the design and delivery of Central Barangaroo including all built form and public domain elements. The Successful Bidder will secure the right to develop and then sell or own 99-year leasehold agreements for the built form, while the completed public domain spaces will be returned to the Barangaroo Delivery Authority.

Developers are to prepare bids that meet and exceed the Barangaroo Delivery Authority's vision, objectives and master plan principles for Central Barangaroo with a key focus on the quality of the built form proposed, the quality of the public benefit and financial return to the NSW Government.


Refer to Additional Details / Instructions

RFT Type

Open Tenders - An invitation to tender by public advertisement with no restriction placed on who may tender. Tenderers will normally be required to demonstrate in their tender that they have the necessary skills, resources, experience, financial capacity, and in some cases licences, accreditations, etc., to fulfil the tender requirements.

Related Web Site Address

Additional Details / Instructions

Access to the bid documents will be provided once a Confidentiality, Collusion, Conflict of Interest and Fair Dealing Undertaking has been provided to, and validated by the Authority.

To obtain a copy of the Undertaking please contact




Address for Lodgement

Barangaroo Delivery Authority AON Tower, Level 21, 201 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

Conditions for Participation

Validated completion of a Confidentiality, Collusion, Conflict of Interest and Fair Dealing Undertaking

Completion of all Returnable Schedules

Multi Agency Access
