Tender Details
Sydney Metro is seeking to engage suitably qualified Archaeological Services companies to provide Archaeological Services in the Parramatta and White Bay.
Package A – Parramatta
Sydney Metro West includes a station in the Parramatta Central Business District. The Environment Impact Statement (EIS) for this site identified the potential for both significant Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal archaeological remains.
In order to give greater certainty regarding the archaeological potential and significance of this site, Sydney Metro requires additional research to be undertaken including the preparation of a site specific detailed Archaeological Research Design (ARD) and Archaeological Method Statement (AMS) and updates to the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Report (ACHAR) as it relates to the Parramatta metro station site (the Stage 1 works).
On completion of these documents, the successful contractor will be required to advise and undertake early works archaeological investigations with a view to continuing in the role of consultant archaeologist throughout the project as a nominated consultant (the Stage 2 works).
Package B – The Bays
Sydney Metro West includes a station at The Bays. The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project identified the potential for significant non-Aboriginal archaeological resources associated with land reclamation and the White Bay Power Station and port facilities.
In order to provide greater certainty regarding the archaeological potential and significance of The Bays, Sydney Metro requires additional research in relation to the Aboriginal, non-Aboriginal and maritime archaeological potential and significance as part of an update to the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Report and the preparation of a site specific Archaeological Research Design and Method Statement (the Stage 1 works).
On completion of these documents, the successful contractor will be required to advise and undertake early works archaeological investigations with a view to continuing in the role of consultant archaeologist throughout the project through nomination to a future construction contractor (the Stage 2 works).
Refer to Additional Details / Instructions
RFT Type
This tender opportunity is not expected to lead to the award of a contract, or the award details will be advertised elsewhere. Please telephone or email the contact officer for details
Additional Details / Instructions
Parramatta and White Bay, Sydney
Conditions for Participation
In order to be evaluated as part of this tender, tenderers must meet the following Minimum Requirements:
Nominated personnel must meet the following criteria:
• Understanding and experience in developing and responding to archaeological research questions for significant archaeology at complex sites
• Experience in the preparation of archaeological zoning plans for complex archaeological sites
• Evidence of receipt of excavation permits from Heritage NSW for State significant archaeology
• Evidence of completion of reports for State significant archaeological sites
• Experience in the preparation of zoning places for complex archaeological sites
• Experience in the investigation of State significant archaeology in Parramatta
• Experience in the investigation of significant Aboriginal archaeology in the Parramatta CBD
The Bays
• Demonstrated experience in the research, identification and archaeological investigation of industrial heritage
• Demonstrated experience in maritime archaeological assessment and management
• Experience in the investigation ofsignificant Aboriginal archaeology in NSW
The proposals must be accompanied by:
• Nominated excavation directors with experience in state significant archaeology for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal archaeology
• Two examples of approved excavationpermits for state significant archaeology
• Two examples of ARDs and AMS forstate significant archaeological sites preferably from the Parramatta area
• Two examples of Aboriginal Archaeological Reports and Research Designs preferably from the Parramatta area
The Bays
• Three examples of Archaeological Research Designs and Method Statements for State significant archaeological sites including one for an industrial heritage site and one maritime site
• Two examples of Aboriginal Archaeological Research Designs and Method Statements