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Residential Design & Construct - 13 Rankin Street COBAR - RFT-10057831

RFT ID RFT-10057831
RFT Type Pre-Qualified / Invited
Published 1-May-2023
Closes 23-May-2023 12:00pm
Category Residential
Agency NSW Aboriginal Housing Office

Contact Person
Sharon Pearce
Phone: 0406589907

Tender Details

Design & Construct (D&C) package to deliver a single storey ‘project home’ type construction dwelling, suitable for large family with five (5) bedrooms (1 x 5B), three bathrooms, two living areas, double garage and associated site works at 13 Rankin Street, Cobar NSW 2835


Refer to Additional Details / Instructions

RFT Type

Pre-Qualified / Invited - Only those directly invited to tender, may obtain an RFT for the purpose of lodging a tender response. Generally an invitation from a pre-qualified register of approved tenderers who have the ability to undertake the particular work or type of work proposed, a limited number of service providers are known to carry out the work or service (or in emergency or other restricted situations). Tenderers have usually been pre-qualified, accredited, or selected for the type of work and financial range. Competitive bids called from a standing offer (panel / period) contracts would also use this type.

Additional Details / Instructions

Plesa respond by submitting the Response Schedule:

- 2 Response Schedule COBAR 13 Rankin Street

Multi Agency Access
